Кэпп, Колин [Colin Kapp] (1928-2007)
Английский писатель.
Серия "
Cageworld" -
Search for the Sun (др. -
Cageworld) (1982),
The Lost Worlds of Cronus (1982),
The Tyrant of Hades (1982),
Star Search (1983).
Серия "
Chaos" -
The Patterns of Chaos (1972),
The Chaos Weapon (рус. -
Оружие Хаоса) (1977).
Серия рассказов "
Unorthodox Engineers" -
The Railways Up on Cannis (1959),
The Subways of Tazoo (1964),
The Pen and the Dark (1966),
Getaway from Getawehi (1969),
The Black Hole of Negrav (1975);
изданы одной книгой -
The Unorthodox Engineers (1979).
The Dark Mind (др. -
Transfinite Man) (1964),
The Wizard of Anharitte (1973),
Survival Game (1976),
Manalone (1977),
The Ion War (1978),
The Timewinders (1980).
Повести и рассказы:
The Night-Flame (1964),
Hunger Over Sweet Waters (1965),
The Imagination Box (1966),
Ambassador to Verdammt (рус. -
Посол на Проклятую) (1967),
The Cloudbuilders (1968),
What the Thunder Said (1972),
Which Way Do I Go for Jericho? (1972),
Mephisto and the Ion Explorer (1974),
Cassius and the Mind-Jaunt (1975),
Something in the City (1984).
Colin Kapp - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colin_Kapp