
Филипп Матышак

Изображение Филипп Матышак (англ. Philip Matyszak, род. в 1958 г.) — британский ученый и писатель, обладатель докторской степени Оксфорда по истории Рима. Он является автором множества книг по истории классической цивилизации, а также преподает древнюю историю в Институте непрерывного образования Мэдингли Холл Кембриджского университета.


Серия "Lucius Panderius":

1. The Gold of Tolosa (2013)

2. The Servant of Aphrodite (2015)

3. The Blood-Red Sunset (2020)

Вне серий:

- Греческие и римские мифы: От Трои и Гомера до Пандоры и "Аватара" / The Greek and Roman Myths: A Guide to the Classical Stories (2010)

- Древняя магия: От драконов и оборотней до зелий и защиты от темных сил / Ancient Magic: A Practical Guide to Spells, Potions, and Power (2019)

- A Year in the Life of Ancient Greece: The Real Lives of the People Who Lived There (2021)

- Forgotten Peoples of the Ancient World (2020)

- The Rise of the Hellenistic Kingdoms 336-250 BC (2019)

- 24 Hours in Ancient Athens: A Day in the Life of the People Who Lived There (2019)

- Ancient Magic: A Practitioner's Guide to the Supernatural in Greece and Rome (2019)

- Sparta: Fall of a Warrior Nation (2018)

- The Greeks: Lost Civilizations (2018)

- 24 Hours in Ancient Rome: A Day in the Life of the People Who Lived There (2017)

- Sparta: Rise of a Warrior Nation (2017)

- Hercules - The first superhero (An unauthorized biography) (2015)

- Cataclysm 90 BC: The Forgotten War That Almost Destroyed Rome (2014)

- The Roman Empire: Beginner's Guides (2014)

- Sertorius and the Struggle for Spain (2013)

- Expedition to Disaster (2012)

- Imperial General: The Remarkable Career of Petilius Cerealis (2011)

- Gladiator: The Roman Fighter's (Unofficial) Manual (2011)

- Roman conquests: Macedonia and Greece (2009)

- Legionary: The Roman Soldier's (Unofficial) Manual (2009)

- Mithridates the Great: Rome's Indomitable Enemy (2008)

- Lives of the Romans by Philip Matyszak and Joanne Berry (2008)

- Ancient Athens on Five Drachmas a Day: Where to eat, drink and meet a philosopher: your guide to the cradle of Western culture (2008)

- Ancient Rome on Five Denarii a Day: Your guide to Sport, Sightseeing & Shopping in Rome, the City of the Caesars (2007)

- The Sons of Caesar: Imperial Rome's First Dynasty (2006)

- The Enemies of Rome: From Hannibal to Attila the Hun (2004)

- Chronicle of the Roman Republic: The Rulers of Ancient Rome from Romulus to Augustus (2003)

