Edward LEAR
A Book of Nonsense
(Эдвард ЛИР — Книга бессмыслицы)
There was an Old Man with a beard (то был /жил-был/ Старый Человек с бородой),
Who said (который сказал), 'It is just as I feared (это имено /так/, как я боялся)!
Two Owls and a Hen (две совы и курица),
Four Larks and a Wren (четыре жаворонка и королёк),
Have all built their nests in my beard (все построили свои гнезда в моей бороде)!
There was an Old Man with a beard,
Who said, 'It is just as I feared!
Two Owls and a Hen,
Four Larks and a Wren,
Have all built their nests in my beard!
There was a Young Lady of Ryde (Молодая Леди из Райда),
Whose shoe-strings were seldom untied (чьи ботиночные шнурки были редко развязаны).
She purchased some clogs (купила несколько сабо /обувь на высокой деревянной подошве без задника/),
And some small spotted dogs (в мелких пятнах /мелко-пятнистых/ собак),
And frequently walked about Ryde (часто гуляла по Райду).
There was a Young Lady of Ryde,
Whose shoe-strings were seldom untied.
She purchased some clogs,
And some small spotted dogs,
And frequently walked about Ryde.
There was an Old Man with a nose (с носом),
Who said, 'If you choose to suppose (выберете предполагать /предпочтете думать/),
That my nose is too long (что мой нос слишком длинный),
You are certainly wrong (вы безусловно ошибаетесь)!
That remarkable (удивительный) Man with a nose.
There was an Old Man with a nose,
Who said, 'If you choose to suppose,
That my nose is too long,
You are certainly wrong!
That remarkable Man with a nose.
There was an Old Man on a hill (на холме),
Who seldom, if ever, stood still (редко, если когда-либо, стоял спокойно; stand — стоять);
He ran up and down (бегал вверх и вниз; run — бегать),
In his Grandmother's gown (в платье своей бабушки),
Which adorned (которое украшало, красило) that Old Man on a hill.
There was an Old Man on a hill,
Who seldom, if ever, stood still;
He ran up and down,
In his Grandmother's gown,
Which adorned that Old Man on a hill.
There was a Young Lady whose bonnet (чей капор),
Came untied (становился развязанным, развязывался) when the birds sate upon it (когда птицы садились на него; sit— сидеть, садиться);
But she said: 'I don't care (я не забочусь = мне все равно)!
All the birds in the air (в воздухе)
Are welcome (вправе, могут = я радушно приглашаю) to sit on my bonnet!
There was a Young Lady whose bonnet,
Came untied when the birds sate upon it;
But she said: 'I don't care!
All the birds in the air
Are welcome to sit on my bonnet!
There was a Young Person of Smyrna (молодая особа из Смирны),
Whose Grandmother threatened to burn her (чья бабушка грозилась сжечь ее);
But she seized on the cat (но она ухватилась за кота, seize — хватать),
And said, 'Granny (бабушка, бабуля), burn that (сожги то = его)!
You incongruous Old Woman (нелепая старая женщина) of Smyrna!
There was a Young Person of Smyrna,
Whose Grandmother threatened to burn her;
But she seized on the cat,
And said, 'Granny, burn that!
You incongruous Old Woman of Smyrna!
There was an Old Person of Chili,
Whose conduct was painful and silly (чье поведение было мучительным /неприятным, тягостным/ и глупым),
He sate on the stairs (он сидел на ступенях),
Eating apples and pears (поедая яблоки и груши),
That imprudent (безрассудный) Old Person of Chili.
There was an Old Person of Chili,
Whose conduct was painful and silly,
He sate on the stairs,
Eating apples and pears,
That imprudent Old Person of Chili.
There was an Old Man with a gong (с гонгом),
Who bumped at it all day long (ударял по нему весь день);
But they called out (но они /люди, кто-то/ закричали), 'O law (О, силы: «закон»)!
You're a horrid old bore (ужасный /противный/ старый зануда)!
So they smashed (и потому они разбили /в лепешку, вдребезги/) that Old Man with a gong.
There was an Old Man with a gong,
Who bumped at it all day long;
But they called out, 'O law!
You're a horrid old bore!
So they smashed that Old Man with a gong.
There was an Old Lady of Chertsey,
Who made a remarkable curtsey (которая сделала удивительный: «примечательный» реверанс);
She twirled round and round (завертелась вокруг и вокруг),
Till she sunk underground ([до тех пор] пока [не] погрузилась под землю; sink — погружаться, тонуть),
Which distressed all the people (что /крайне/ огорчило всех людей) of Chertsey.
There was an Old Lady of Chertsey,
Who made a remarkable curtsey;
She twirled round and round,
Till she sunk underground,
Which distressed all the people of Chertsey.
There was an Old Man in a tree (в /на/ дереве),
Who was horribly (ужасно) bored by a Bee («наскучен пчелой» = которому ужасно надоедала, к которому страшнот приставала пчела);
When they said (когда сказали = спросили), 'Does it buzz? (она жужжит?)
He replied (он ответил), 'Yes, it does (да, жужжит)! :
'It's a regular brute of a Bee (это зверь-пчела: «настоящая грубая скотина»)!
There was an Old Man in a tree,
Who was horribly bored by a Bee;
When they said, 'Does it buzz?
He replied, 'Yes, it does!
'It's a regular brute of a Bee!
There was an Old Man with a flute (с флейтой),
A sarpint ran into his boot (змий вполз в его ботинок; sarpint (устар.) = serpent; run — бежать);
But he played day and night (играл день и ночь),
Till the sarpint took flight (обратился в бегство; take — брать),
And avoided (избегал) that man with a flute.
There was an Old Man with a flute,
A sarpint ran into his boot;
But he played daay and night,
Till the sarpint took flight,
And avoided that man with a flute.
There was a Young Lady whose chin (чей подбородок),
Resembled the point of a pin (напоминал кончик булавки);
So she had it made sharp (так что = поэтому она сделала его острым, заострила),
And purchased a harp (приобрела арфу),
And played several tunes (играла несколько /целый ряд/ мелодий) with her chin (своим подбородком).
There was a Young Lady whose chin,
Resembled the point of a pin;
So she had it made sharp,
And purchased a harp,
And played several tunes with her chin.
There was an Old Man of Kilkenny (город в Северной Ирландии),
Who never had more than a penny (никогда не имел больше, чем пенни);
He spent all that money (потратил все те деньги),
In onions and honey (на лук и мёд),
That wayward (своенравный) Old Man of Kilkenny.
There was an Old Man of Kilkenny,
Who never had more than a penny;
He spent all that money,
In onions and honey,
That wayward Old Man of Kilkenny.
There was an Old Person of Ischia (город в Италии),
Whose conduct grew friskier and friskier (поведение становилось все игривее, резвее; grow — расти, увеличиваться; frisk — прыжок, скачок);
He danced hornpipes and jigs (танцевал хорнпайпы и джиги; hornpipe: «рожковыйсвисток, дудка» — волынка; английскийматросскийтанец),
And ate thousands of figs (ел тысячи фиг; eat — есть, кушать),
That lively (полный жизни, энергичный) Old Person of Ischia.
There was an Old Person of Ischia,
Whose conduct grew friskier and friskier;
He danced hornpipes and jigs,
And ate thousands of figs,
That lively Old Person of Ischia.
There was an Old Man in a boat (в лодке),
Who said, 'I'm afloat (на плаву), I'm afloat!
When they said, 'No! you ain't (ты не /на плаву/; ain't — сокр. отis not; are not; has not; have not)!
He was ready to faint (готов был упасть в обморок),
That unhappy (несчастный) Old Man in a boat.
There was an Old Man in a boat,
Who said, 'I'm afloat, I'm afloat!
When they said, 'No! you ain't!
He was ready to faint,
That unhappy Old Man in a boat.
There was a Young Lady of Portugal,
Whose ideas were excessively nautical (чьи идеи были чрезмерно, чересчур мореходными):
She climbed up a tree (взобралась на дерево),
To examine the sea (чтобы изучать /рассматривать/ море),
But declared she would never leave Portugal (но заявила, что она никогда не покинет Португалию).
There was a Young Lady of Portugal,
Whose ideas were excessively nautical:
She climbed up a tree,
To examine the sea,
But declared she would never leave Portugal.
There was an Old Man of Moldavia,
Who had the most curious behaviour (самое = крайне чудное /странное/ поведение);
For while he was able (ибо, пока он был способен),
He slept on a table (он спал на столе; sleep — спать).
That funny (смешной, забавный) Old Man of Moldavia.
There was an Old Man of Moldavia,
Who had the most curious behaviour;
For while he was able,
He slept on a table.
That funny Old Man of Moldavia.
There was an Old Man of Madras (город в Индии),
Who rode on a cream-coloured ass (ездил на ишаке кремового цвета;ride — ездитьверхом);
But the length of its ears (но длина его /осла/ ушей),
So promoted his fears (так /сильно/ пробуждало, провоцировало, увеличивало: «продвигало» его /человека/ страхи),
That it killed (что это убило) that Old Man of Madras.
There was an Old Man of Madras,
Who rode on a cream-coloured ass;
But the length of its ears,
So promoted his fears,
That it killed that Old Man of Madras.
There was an Old Person of Leeds,
Whose head was infested with beads (чья голова кишела бусинами);
She sat on a stool (сидела на табурете),
And ate gooseberry fool (и ела крыжовниковое пюре; fool— вид десерта типа киселя или компота со сливками),
Which agreed with (гармонировало с; agree — соглашаться) that person of Leeds.
There was an Old Person of Leeds,
Whose head was infested with beads;
She sat on a stool,
And ate gooseberry fool,
Which agreed with that person of Leeds.
There was an Old Man of Peru,
Who never knew what he should do (который никогда не знал, что ему следует делать);
So he tore off his hair (поэтому он рвал свои волосы; tear — рвать),
And behaved like a bear (и вел себя, как медведь),
That intrinsic (своеобразный: «внутренний, присущий, особенный») Old Man of Peru.
There was an Old Man of Peru,
Who never knew what he should do;
So he tore off his hair,
And behaved like a bear,
That intrinsic Old Man of Peru.
There was an Old Person of Hurst,
Who drank when he was not athirst (который пил, когда не был томим жаждой; drink — пить; thirst — жажда);
When they said, 'You'll grow fatter (вы вырастете толще = потолстеете),
He answered, 'What matter (какое /это имеет/ значение)?
That globular (шаровидный) Person of Hurst.
There was an Old Person of Hurst,
Who drank when he was not athirst;
When they said, 'You'll grow fatter,
He answered, 'What matter?
That globular Person of Hurst.
There was a Young Person of Crete (с острова Крит),
Whose toilette was far from complete (чей туалет был далек от полного = от того, чтобы быть полным, совершенным);
She dressed in a sack (одевалась, оделась в мешок),
Spickle-speckled with black (в крапинку с черным = в черную крапинку),
That ombliferous (зонтичная: от umbelliferous) person of Crete.
There was a Young Person of Crete,
Whose toilette was far from complete;
She dressed in a sack,
Spickle-speckled with black,
That ombliferous person of Crete.
There was on Old Man of the Isles (с /Британских/ островов),
Whose face was pervaded with smiles (лицо было наполнено: «проникнуто, пронизано» улыбками);
He sung high dum diddle (пел высокие трели; sing — петь),
And played on the fiddle (играл на скрипке),
That amiable (приятный, любезный) Man of the Isles.
There was on Old Man of the Isles,
Whose face was pervaded with smiles;
He sung high dum diddle,
And played on the fiddle,
That amiable Man of the Isles.
There was an Old Person of Buda (из Буды),
Whose conduct grew ruder and ruder (чье поведение становилось все грубее и грубее);
Till at last, with a hammer (пока наконец, молотом, молотком),
They silenced his clamour (они = люди, кто-то [не] утихомирили его шум),
By smashing (разбив в лепешку, вдребезги) that Person of Buda.
There was an Old Person of Buda,
Whose conduct grew ruder and ruder;
Till at last, with a hammer,
They silenced his clamour,
By smashing that Person of Buda.
There was an Old Man of Columbia,
Who was thirsty, and called out for some beer (который был мучим жаждой и попросил немного пива; call out — выкрикивать);
But they brought it quite hot (но [ему] принесли его /пиво/ довольно горячим; bring — приносить),
In a small copper pot (в маленьком медном котелке),
Which disgusted (что внушило отвращение) that man of Columbia.
There was an Old Man of Columbia,
Who was thirsty, and called out for some beer;
But they brought it quite hot,
In a small copper pot,
Which disgusted that man of Columbia.
There was a Young Lady of Dorking,
Who bought a large bonnet for walking (купила большой капор для гуляния; buy — покупать);
But its colour and size (но его /капора/ цвет и размер),
So bedazzled her eyes (так ослепил блеском ее глаза),
That she very soon went back to Dorking (что она очень скоро вернулась: «пришла назад»).
There was a Young Lady of Dorking,
Who bought a large bonnet for walking;
But its colour and size,
So bedazzled her eyes,
That she very soon went back to Dorking.
There was an Old Man who supposed (который полагал),
That the street door was partially closed (что дверь на улицу частично закрыта = прикрыта);
But some very large rats (но несколько очень крупных крыс),
Ate his coats and his hats (съели его пальто и его шляпы; eat— кушать),
While that futile (пока тот несерьезный, поверхностный) old gentleman dozed (дремал).
There was an Old Man who supposed,
That the street door was partially closed;
But some very large rats,
Ate his coats and his hats,
While that futile old gentleman dozed.
There was an Old Man of the West (с Запада),
Who wore a pale plum-coloured vest (носил бледную сливового цвета нижнюю рубашку; wear— носить);
When they said (когда сказали = спросили), 'Does it fit (она /рубашка/ впору)?
He replied (он отвечал), 'Not a bit (ничуть)!
That uneasy (беспокойный: «нелегкий») Old Man of the West.
There was an Old Man of the West,
Who wore a pale plum-coloured vest;
When they said, 'Does it fit?
He replied, 'Not a bit!
That uneasy Old Man of the West.
There was an Old Man of the Wrekin
Whose shoes made a horrible creaking (чьи ботинки издавали ужасный скрип)
But they said (но [ему] сказали = его спросили), 'Tell us whether,
Your shoes are of leather (скажи нам, твои ботинки из кожи ли; whether — ли),
Or of what (или из чего), you Old Man of the Wrekin?
There was an Old Man of the Wrekin
Whose shoes made a horrible creaking
But they said, 'Tell us whether,
Your shoes are of leather,
Or of what, you Old Man of the Wrekin?
There was a Young Lady whose eyes (чьи глаза),
Were unique as to colour and size (были уникальны, что до цвета и размера = что касается…, в отношении…);
When she opened them wide (когда она открывала их широко),
People all turned aside (люди все отворачивались),
And started away in surprise (и бросались прочь в изумлении, удивившись).
There was a Young Lady whose eyes,
Were unique as to colour and size;
When she opened them wide,
People all turned aside,
And started away in surprise.
There was a Young Lady of Norway (из Норвегии),
Who casually sat on a doorway (случайно = как-то сидела в проходе);
When the door squeezed her flat (когда дверь сжала ее плоской = стиснула ее так, что она стала плоской),
She exclaimed (воскликнула), 'What of that ([ну и] что с того)?
This courageous (эта храбрая) Young Lady of Norway.
There was a Young Lady of Norway,
Who casually sat on a doorway;
When the door squeezed her flat,
She exclaimed, 'What of that?
This courageous Young Lady of Norway.
There was an Old Man of Vienna (из Вены),
Who lived upon Tincture of Senna (жил за счет настойки сенны = питался настойкой сенны);
When that did not agree (когда это не соответствовало, не подходило),
He took Camomile Tea (он брал /принимал/ ромашковый чай; take— брать),
That nasty (противный) Old Man of Vienna.
There was an Old Man of Vienna,
Who lived upon Tincture of Senna;
When that did not agree,
He took Camomile Tea,
That nasty Old Man of Vienna.
There was an Old Person whose habits (чьи привычки),
Induced him to feed upon rabbits (побудили его питаться кроликами);
When he'd eaten eighteen (когда от съел восемнадцать),
He turned perfectly green (превратился: «обратился» в совершенно зеленого = совсем позеленел),
Upon which he relinquished those habits (после чего он бросил те привычки; relinquish — оставлять, сдаваться, отступать).
There was an Old Person whose habits,
Induced him to feed upon rabbits;
When he'd eaten eighteen,
He turned perfectly green,
Upon which he relinquished those habits.
There was an Old Person of Dover,
Who rushed through a field of blue Clover (мчался через поле синего клевера; сравните: he is/lives in clover — он живет припеваючи, каксырвмаслекатается);
But some very large bees (но несколько очень крупных пчел),
Stung his nose and his knees (ужалили его нос и колени; sting — жалить),
So he very soon went back to Dover (так что он очень скоро вернулся назад).
There was an Old Person of Dover,
Who rushed through a field of blue Clover;
But some very large bees,
Stung his nose and his knees,
So he very soon went back to Dover.
There was an Old Man of Marseilles (из Марселя),
Whose daughters wore bottle-green veils (дочери которого носили бутылочно-зеленые /цвета зеленого бутылочного стекла/ вуали);
They caught several Fish (поймали несколько рыб; catch — поймать, ловить),
Which they put in a dish (которых они положили на блюдо; put — класть),
And sent to their Pa' at Marseilles (и отправили своему папе; send — отправить).
There was an Old Man of Marseilles,
Whose daughters wore bottle-green veils;
They caught several Fish,
Which they put in a dish,
And sent to their Pa' at Marseilles.
There was an Old Person of Cadiz (из Кадиса — город в Испании),
Who was always polite to all ladies (который был всегда вежлив со всеми дамами);
But in handing his daughter (но, подавая руку своей дочери, когда вел за руку свою дочь),
He fell into the water (он упал в воду; fall — падать),
Which drowned (что [и] утопило) that Old Person of Cadiz.
There was an Old Person of Cadiz,
Who was always polite to all ladies;
But in handing his daughter,
He fell into the water,
Which drowned that Old Person of Cadiz.
There was an Old Person of Basing,
Whose presence of mind was amazing (чье хладнокровие: «присутствие духа» было удивительным);
He purchased a steed (купил /боевого/ коня, рысака),
Which he rode at full speed (на котором он скакал со всей: «с полной» скоростью; ride— скакать),
And escaped from (и спасся бегством от) the people of Basing.
There was an Old Person of Basing,
Whose presence of mind was amazing;
He purchased a steed,
Which he rode at full speed,
And escaped from the people of Basing.
There was an Old Man of Quebec (из Квебека),
A beetle ran over his neck (жук пробежал по его шее);
But he cried (закричал), 'With a needle (с иглой),
I'll slay you (умервщлю тебя), O beadle! (церковный сторож)
That angry (злой) Old Man of Quebec.
There was an Old Man of Quebec,
A beetle ran over his neck;
But he cried, 'With a needle,
I'll slay you, O beadle!
That angry Old Man of Quebec.
There was an Old Person of Philæ,
Whose conduct was scroobious and wily (чье поведение быть странным и лукавым);
He rushed up a Palm (бросился на Пальму),
When the weather was calm (когда погода была тихой),
And observed all the ruins (наблюдал за развалинами) of Philæ.
There was an Old Person of Philæ,
Whose conduct was scroobious and wily;
He rushed up a Palm,
When the weather was calm,
And observed all the ruins of Philæ.
The was a Young Lady of Bute,
Who played on a silver-gilt flute (играла на покрытой серебром флейте);
She played several jigs (несколько джиг),
To her uncle's white pigs (для ее дяди белых свиней),
That amusing (забавная) Young Lady of Bute.
The was a Young Lady of Bute,
Who played on a silver-gilt flute;
She played several jigs,
To her uncle's white pigs,
That amusing Young Lady of Bute.
There was a Young Lady whose nose (чей нос),
Was so long that it reached to her toes (такой длинный, что доставал по пальцев ее ног);
So she hired (наняла) an Old Lady,
Whose conduct was steady (чье поведение/сопровождение было твердым, устойчивым, равномерным),
To carry that wonderful nose (чтобы носить этот замечательный нос).
There was a Young Lady whose nose,
Was so long that it reached to her toes;
So she hired an Old Lady,
Whose conduct was steady,
To carry that wonderful nose.
There was a Young Lady of Turkey,
Who wept when the weather was murky (погода была мрачной; weep — плакать, рыдать);
When the day turned out fine (день оказывался ясным),
She ceased to repine (прекращала роптать, ворчать),
That capricious Young Lady of Turkey (капризная).
There was a Young Lady of Turkey,
Who wept when the weather was murky;
When the day turned out fine,
She ceased to repine,
That capricious Young Lady of Turkey.
There was an Old Man of Apulia ([город в Италии]),
Whose conduct was very peculiar (чье поведение было весьма специфическим, особенным)
He fed twenty sons (кормил двадцать сыновей; feed— кормить),
Upon nothing but buns (ничем, кроме булок с изюмом),
That whimsical Man of Apulia (эксцентричный).
There was an Old Man of Apulia,
Whose conduct was very peculiar
He fed twenty sons,
Upon nothing but buns,
That whimsical Man of Apulia.
There was an Old Man with a poker (кочергой),
Who painted his face with red oker (покрасил его лицо красной охрой /от ochre/)
When they said, 'You're a Guy (Чучело)!
He made no reply (не дал никакого ответа),
But knocked them all down (сбил их всех с ног) with his poker.
Guy— Гай Фокс (наиболее активный участник Порохового Заговора, его чучело сжигается 5-го ноября — в годовщину раскрытия заговора)
There was an Old Man with a poker,
Who painted his face with red oker
When they said, 'You're a Guy!
He made no reply,
But knocked them all down with his poker.
There was an Old Person of Prague (из Праги),
Who was suddenly seized with the Plague (был захвачен Чумой);
But they gave his some butter (дали ему немного масла; give — давать),
Which caused him to mutter (заставило его бормотать, ворчать),
And cured that Old Person of Prague (вылечило).
There was an Old Person of Prague,
Who was suddenly seized with the Plague;
But they gave his some butter,
Which caused him to mutter,
And cured that Old Person of Prague.
There was an Old Man of the North (с Севера),
Who fell into a basin of broth (упал в миску с мясным бульоном);
But a laudable cook (достойная похвалы кухарка),
Fished him out with a hook (выудила его на крюком),
Which saved (что спасло) that Old Man of the North.
There was an Old Man of the North,
Who fell into a basin of broth;
But a laudable cook,
Fished him out with a hook,
Which saved that Old Man of the North.
There was a Young Lady of Poole,
Whose soup was excessively cool (чей суп был чрезмерно холодным);
So she put it to boil (поставила его кипятиться, вскипятила; put— класть, ставить)
By the aid of some oil (при помощи /растительного/ масла),
That ingenious Young Lady of Poole (изобретательная).
There was a Young Lady of Poole,
Whose soup was excessively cool;
So she put it to boil
By the aid of some oil,
That ingenious Young Lady of Poole.
There was an Old Person of Mold,
Who shrank from sensations of cold (который не переносил ощущений холода; shrink — садиться, съеживаться; избегать),
So he purchased some muffs (приобрел несколько муфт),
Some furs and some fluffs (немного меха и немного пуха),
And wrapped himself (укутал себя) from the cold.
There was an Old Person of Mold,
Who shrank from sensations of cold,
So he purchased some muffs,
Some furs and some fluffs,
And wrapped himself from the cold.
There was an Old Man of Nepaul,
From his horse had a terrible fall (со своей лошади имел ужасное падение);
But, though split quite in two (хотя распался практически на две /половины/),
By some very strong glue (при помощи некоторого очень сильного клея),
They mended that Man of Nepaul (починили).
There was an Old Man of Nepaul,
From his horse had a terrible fall;
But, though split quite in two,
By some very strong glue,
They mended that Man of Nepaul.
There was an Old Man of th' Abruzzi,
So blind that he couldn't his foot see (такой слепой, что не мог своей ноги видеть);
When they said, 'That's your toe (палец ноги),
He replied, 'Is it so? (так ли это)
That doubtful Old Man of th' Abruzzi (сомневающийся).
There was an Old Man of th' Abruzzi,
So blind that he couldn't his foot see;
When they said, 'That's your toe,
He replied, 'Is it so?
That doubtful Old Man of th' Abruzzi.
There was an Old Person of Rhodes (с /острова/ Родос),
Who strongly objected to toads (сильно, весьма возражал /против/ жаб);
He paid several cousins (заплатил нескольким кузинам; pay — платить),
To catch them by the dozens (ловить их = чтобы ловили их дюжинами),
That futile Old Person of Rhodes (несерьезный, пустой).
There was an Old Person of Rhodes,
Who strongly objected to toads;
He paid several cousins,
To catch them by the dozens,
That futile Old Person of Rhodes.
There was an Old Man of Peru,
Who watched his wife making a stew (смотрел за его женой, готовящей тушеное мясо);
But once by mistake (однажды по ошибке),
In a stove she did bake (в печи они испекла),
That unfortunate Man of Peru (несчастного).
There was an Old Man of Peru,
Who watched his wife making a stew;
But once by mistake,
In a stove she did bake,
That unfortunate Man of Peru.
There was an Old Man of Melrose,
Who walked on the tips of his toes (ходил на цыпочках);
But they said, 'It ain't pleasant (это не приятно),
To see you at present (видеть Вас сейчас, в настоящее время),
You stupid Old Man of Melrose (глупый).
There was an Old Man of Melrose,
Who walked on the tips of his toes;
But they said, 'It ain't pleasant,
To see you at present,
You stupid Old Man of Melrose.
There was a Young Lady of Lucca ([город в Италии]),
Whose lovers completely forsook her (возлюбленные совершенно покинули ее; farsake — покидать, бросать, отвергать);
She ran up a tree (взабралась на дерево),
And said, 'Fiddle-de-dee! (Ерунда! Вздор!)
Which embarassed (что смутило) the people of Lucca.
There was a Young Lady of Lucca,
Whose lovers completely forsook her;
She ran up a tree,
And said, 'Fiddle-de-dee!
Which embarassed the people of Lucca.
There was an Old Man of Bohemia (из Богемии = из Чехии),
Whose daughter was christened (дочь нарекли) Euphemia (‘добрая слава’ — греч.),
Till one day, to his grief (пока в один день, к его горю),
She married a thief (она вышла замуж за вора),
Which grieved (что огорчило) that Old Man of Bohemia.
There was an Old Man of Bohemia,
Whose daughter was christened Euphemia,
Till one day, to his grief,
She married a thief,
Which grieved that Old Man of Bohemia.
There was an Old Man of Vesuvius,
Who studied the works of Vitruvius (изучал работы Виртувия /по архитектуре/);
When the flames burnt his book (когда языки пламени сожгли его книгу; burn — жечь, обжигать),
To drinking he took (пить он начал, запил),
That morbid Old Man of Vesuvius (болезненный, нездоровый, с отклонениями).
There was an Old Man of Vesuvius,
Who studied the works of Vitruvius;
When the flames burnt his book,
To drinking he took,
That morbid Old Man of Vesuvius.
There was an Old Man of Cape Horn (с Мыса Доброй Надежды),
Who wished he had never been born (желал, чтобы он никогда не был рожден);
So he sat on a chair (потому он сидел на стуле),
Till he died of despair (пока не умер от отчаяния),
That dolorous Man of Cape Horn (страдающий, унылый).
There was an Old Man of Cape Horn,
Who wished he had never been born;
So he sat on a chair,
Till he died of despair,
That dolorous Man of Cape Horn.
There was an Old Lady whose folly (чье сумасшествие, чья глупость),
Induced her to sit on a holly (побудила ее сидеть на остролисте);
Whereon by a thorn (на котором шипом),
Her dress being torn (ее платье было разорвано; tear— рвать),
She quickly became melancholy (она быстро стала подавленной;become — становиться).
There was an Old Lady whose folly,
Induced her to sit on a holly;
Whereon by a thorn,
Her dress being torn,
She quickly became melancholy.
There was an Old Man of Corfu,
Who never knew what he should do (никогда не знал, что ему следует делать);
So he rushed up and down (носился туда — сюда: «вверх и вниз»),
Till the sun made him brown (пока солнце не сделало его коричневым),
That bewildered Old Man of Corfu (сбитый с толку, озадаченный).
There was an Old Man of Corfu,
Who never knew what he should do;
So he rushed up and down,
Till the sun made him brown,
That bewildered Old Man of Corfu.
There was an Old Man of the South (с Юга),
Who had an immoderate mouth (чрезмерный рот);
But in swallowing a dish (глотая блюдо),
That was quite full of fish (которое было довольно полным рыбы),
He was choked (подавился), that Old Man of the South.
There was an Old Man of the South,
Who had an immoderate mouth;
But in swallowing a dish,
That was quite full of fish,
He was choked, that Old Man of the South.
There was an Old Man of the Nile (с Нила),
Who sharpened his nails with a file (затачивал ногти напильником),
Till he cut out his thumbs (пока не отрезал большие пальцы своих рук),
And said calmly (спокойно), 'This comes (это происходит = приходит)
Of sharpening one's nails with a file (из-за затачивания своих ногтей напильником)!
There was an Old Man of the Nile,
Who sharpened his nails with a file,
Till he cut out his thumbs,
And said calmly, 'This comes
Of sharpening one's nails with a file!
There was an Old Person of Rheims ([город во Франции]),
Who was troubled with horrible dreams (обеспокоен, мучим ужасными снами);
So, to keep him awake (потому, чтобы держать его бодрствующим = не давать ему уснуть)
They fed him on cake (/они/ его кормили тортом),
Which amused (что забавляло) that Old Person of Rheims.
There was an Old Person of Rheims,
Who was troubled with horrible dreams;
So, to keep him awake
They fed him on cake,
Which amused that Old Person of Rheims.
There was an Old Person of Cromer,
Who stood on one leg to read Homer (стоял на одной ноге, чтобы читать Гомера);
When he found he grew stiff (когда он обнаружил, /что/ он стал окостеневшим, одеревеневшим = что нога затекла; find— находить; grow— расти; становиться),
He jumped over the cliff (спрыгнул с утеса),
Which concluded (прикончило) that Person of Cromer.
There was an Old Person of Cromer,
Who stood on one leg to read Homer;
When he found he grew stiff,
He jumped over the cliff,
Which concluded that Person of Cromer.
There was an old person of Troy,
Whose drink was warm brandy and soy (питьем которого были теплое бренди и соя),
Which he took with a spoon (которые он брал ложкой),
By the light of the moon (при свете луны),
In sight of the city of Troy (с видом на город).
There was an old person of Troy,
Whose drink was warm brandy and soy,
Which he took with a spoon,
By the light of the moon,
In sight of the city of Troy.
There was an Old Man of the Dee ([город в Шотландии]),
Who was sadly annoyed by a flea (досадно раздражен, раздражаем блохой = которому не давала покоя, надоедала блоха);
When he said, 'I will scratch it (расцарапаю это /блоху/),
They gave him a hatchet (дали топор),
Which grieved (что огорчило) that Old Man of the Dee.
There was an Old Man of the Dee,
Who was sadly annoyed by a flea;
When he said, 'I will scratch it,
They gave him a hatchet,
Which grieved that Old Man of the Dee.
There was an Old Man of Dundee ([город в Шотландии]),
Who frequented the top of a tree (часто посещал верхушку дерева);
When disturbed by the crows (когда был потревожен воронами),
He abruptly arose (внезапно поднялся; arise— подниматься),
And exclaimed, 'I'll return (воскликнул, я вернусь) to Dundee.
There was an Old Man of Dundee,
Who frequented the top of a tree;
When disturbed by the crows,
He abruptly arose,
And exclaimed, 'I'll return to Dundee.
There was an Old Person of Tring,
Who embellished his nose with a ring (украсил свой нос кольцом);
Ha gazed at the moon (пристально смотрел на луну)
Every evening in June (каждый вечер в июне),
That ecstatic (исступленный) Old Person in Tring.
There was an Old Person of Tring,
Who embellished his nose with a ring;
Ha gazed at the moon
Every evening in June,
That ecstatic Old Person in Tring.
There was an Old Man on some rocks (на одних скалах),
Who shut his wife up in a box (захлопнул его жену в коробке);
When she said, 'Let me out! (выпусти меня)
He exclaimed (воскликнул), 'Without doubt (без сомнения),
You will pass all your life (проведешь всю твою жизнь) in that box.
There was an Old Man on some rocks,
Who shut his wife up in a box;
When she said, 'Let me out!
He exclaimed, 'Without doubt,
You will pass all your life in that box.
There was an Old Man of Coblenz ([город в Германии]),
The length of whose legs was immense (длина ног которого была колоссальна: «неизмерима»);
He went with one prance (от шел с одним скачком)
From Turkey to France,
That surprising Old Man of Coblenz (удивительный).
There was an Old Man of Coblenz,
The length of whose legs was immense;
He went with one prance
From Turkey to France,
That surprising Old Man of Coblenz.
There was an Old Man of Calcutta,
Who perpetually ate bread and butter (беспрестанно ел хлеб и масло),
Till a great bit of muffin (пока огромный кусок сдобы),
On which he was stuffing (которым он запихивал /в себя/),
Choked (задушила) that horrid Old Man of Calcutta (ужасного, отвратительного).
There was an Old Man of Calcutta,
Who perpetually ate bread and butter,
Till a great bit of muffin,
On which he was stuffing,
Choked that horrid Old Man of Calcutta.
There was Old Man in a pew (в отгороженном месте в церкви, в кафедре),
Whose waistcoat was spotted with blue (жилетка «запятнана синим» = в синюю точку);
But he tore it in pieces (но он разорвал ее на куски)
To give to his nieces (чтобы отдать его племянницам),
That cheerful Old Man in a pew (неунывающий).
There was Old Man in a pew,
Whose waistcoat was spotted with blue;
But he tore it in pieces
To give to his nieces,
That cheerful Old Man in a pew.
There was an Old Man who said, 'How (как)
Shall I flee from that horrible cow (как мне убежать от этой ужасной коровы)?
I will sit on this stile (на этой приступке),
And continue to smile (продолжать улыбаться),
Which may soften the heart (что может смягчить сердце) of that cow.
There was an Old Man who said, 'How
Shall I flee from that horrible cow?
I will sit on this stile,
And continue to smile,
Which may soften the heart of that cow.
There was a Young Lady of Hull,
Who was chased by a virulent bull (которая была преследуема очень злобным, опасным быком);
But she seized on a spade (схватила лопату),
And called out (выкрикнула, закричала), 'Who's afraid (кто испуган, боится)?
Which distracted (отвлекло, сбило с толку) that virulent bull.
There was a Young Lady of Hull,
Who was chased by a virulent bull;
But she seized on a spade,
And called out, 'Who's afraid?
Which distracted that virulent bull.
There was an Old Man of Whitehaven,
Who danced a quadrille with a raven (танцевал кадриль с вороном);
But they said, 'It's absurd (это абсурд)
To encourage this bird (потакать этой птице)!
So they smashed (потому они прибили) that Old Man of Whitehaven.
There was an Old Man of Whitehaven,
Who danced a quadrille with a raven;
But they said, 'It's absurd
To encourage this bird!
So they smashed that Old Man of Whitehaven.
There was an Old Man of Leghorn,
The smallest that ever was born (самый маленький, что когда-либо был рожден);
But quickly snapped up he (/был/ схвачен; snapup— подхватывать, накидываться)
Was once by a puppy (однажды щенком),
Who devoured (поглотил) that Old Man of Leghorn.
There was an Old Man of Leghorn,
The smallest that ever was born;
But quickly snapped up he
Was once by a puppy,
Who devoured that Old Man of Leghorn.
There was an Old Man of the Hague (Гаага [город в Голландии]),
Whose ideas were excessively vague (чьи идеи были крайне неопределенны, расплывчаты);
He built a balloon (построил шар; build — строить)
To examine the moon (чтобы изучать луну),
That deluded (ввела в заблуждение) Old Man of the Hague.
There was an Old Man of the Hague,
Whose ideas were excessively vague;
He built a balloon
To examine the moon,
That deluded Old Man of the Hague.
There was an Old Man of Jamaica (с Ямайки),
Who suddenly married a Quaker (неожиданно женился на Квакерше);
But she cried out, 'Alack (увы)!
I have married a black! (вышла замуж за черного)
Which distressed (что причинило горе, страдания) that Old Man of Jamaica.
There was an Old Man of Jamaica,
Who suddenly married a Quaker;
But she cried out, 'Alack!
I have married a black!
Which distressed that Old Man of Jamaica.
There was an Old Person of Dutton,
Whose head was as small as a button (голова была так мала, как пуговица),
So, to make it look big (чтобы заставить её смотреться большой),
He purchased a wig (приобрел парик),
And rapidly rushed about (быстро носился по) Dutton.
There was an Old Person of Dutton,
Whose head was as small as a button,
So, to make it look big,
He purchased a wig,
And rapidly rushed about Dutton.
There was a Young Lady of Tyre,
Who swept the loud chords of a lyre (подметала громкие струны лиры; sweep — сметать, подметать);
At the sound of each sweep (при звуке каждого взмаха /метлы/)
She enraptured the deep (приводила в состояние восторга глубину = души /людей/, сокровенное),
And enchanted the city of Tyre (очаровывала город).
There was a Young Lady of Tyre,
Who swept the loud chords of a lyre;
At the sound of each sweep
She enraptured the deep,
And enchanted the city of Tyre.
There was an Old Man who said, 'Hush (Тсс!)!
I perceive a young bird in this bush! (замечаю молодую птицу в этом кусте)
When they said, 'Is it small (маленькая)?
He replied, 'Not at all (вовсе нет)!
It is four times as big as the bush (в четыре раза больше, чем куст)!
There was an Old Man who said, 'Hush!
I perceive a young bird in this bush!
When they said, 'Is it small?
He replied, 'Not at all!
It is four times as big as the bush!
There was an Old Man of the East (с Востока),
Who gave all his children a feast (который задал пир всем своим детям);
But they all ate so much (все ели так много)
And their conduct was such (их поведение было таким)
That it killed (что это убило) that Old Man of the East.
There was an Old Man of the East,
Who gave all his children a feast;
But they all ate so much
And their conduct was such
That it killed that Old Man of the East.
There was an Old Man of Kamschatka,
Who possessed a remarkable fat cur (который владел примечательной толстой дворняжкой);
His gait and his waddle (ее поступь и походка вразвалку)
Were held as a model (держалась, признавалась как модель, образец; hold — держать)
To all the fat dogs (для всех толстых собак) in Kamschatka.
There was an Old Man of Kamschatka,
Who possessed a remarkable fat cur;
His gait and his waddle
Were held as a model
To all the fat dogs in Kamschatka.
There was an Old Man of the coast (с побережья),
Who placidly sat on a post (спокойно, мирно сидел на столбе);
But when it was cold (когда было холодно)
He relinquished his hold (ослабил свою хватку)
And called for some hot buttered toast (попросил несколько горячих масляных /со сливочным маслом/ тостов).
There was an Old Man of the coast,
Who placidly sat on a post;
But when it was cold
He relinquished his hold
And called for some hot buttered toast.
There was an Old Person of Bangor ([город в Уэльсе]),
Whose face was distorted with anger (лицо было искажено гневом, яростью)!
He tore off his boots (разорвал его ботинки),
And subsisted on roots (существовал, кормился корнями),
That irascible Person of Bangor (раздражительный, вспыльчивый).
There was an Old Person of Bangor,
Whose face was distorted with anger!
He tore off his boots,
And subsisted on roots,
That irascible Person of Bangor.
There was an Old Man with a beard (с бородой),
Who sat on a horse when he reared (сидел на коне, когда он встал на дыбы);
But they said, "Never mind (не волнуйтесь)!
You will fall off behind (свалитесь, упадете /с коня/ назад),
You propitious (доброжелательный, благосклонный = добродушный) Old Man with a beard!"
There was an Old Man with a beard,
Who sat on a horse when he reared;
But they said, "Never mind!
You will fall off behind,
You propitious Old Man with a beard!"
There was an Old Man of the West (с Запада),
Who never could get any rest (никогда не мог получить отдых = отдохнуть);
So they set him to spin (заставили его крутиться)
On his nose and chin (на носу и подбородке),
Which cured (что вылечило) that Old Man of the West.
There was an Old Man of the West,
Who never could get any rest;
So they set him to spin
On his nose and chin,
Which cured that Old Man of the West.
There was an Old Person of Anerley,
Whose conduct was strange and unmannerly (поведение которого было странным и невежливым: «лишенным манер»);
He rushed down the Strand (он пронесся вниз на Стрэнду /улица Лондона/)
With a pig in each hand (со свиньей в каждой руке),
But returned in the evening to Anerley (но вернулся вечером).
There was an Old Person of Anerley,
Whose conduct was strange and unmannerly;
He rushed down the Strand
With a pig in each hand,
But returned in the evening to Anerley.
There was a Young Lady of Troy,
Whom several large flies did annoy (несколько, целый ряд больших мух надоедали, приставали);
Some she killed with a thump (убила тяжелым хлопком),
Some she drowned at the pump (нескольких утопила возле насоса),
And some she took with her to Troy (а некоторых она взяла с собой).
There was a Young Lady of Troy,
Whom several large flies did annoy;
Some she killed with a thump,
Some she drowned at the pump,
And some she took with her to Troy.
There was an Old Person of Berlin,
Whose form was uncommonly thin (строение тела которого было необычайно тонким);
Till he once, by mistake (он однажды по ошибке),
Was mixed up in a cake (был замешан в торт),
So they baked (так что испекли) that Old Man of Berlin.
There was an Old Person of Berlin,
Whose form was uncommonly thin;
Till he once, by mistake,
Was mixed up in a cake,
So they baked that Old Man of Berlin.
There was an Old Person of Spain (из Испании),
Who hated all trouble and pain (ненавидел какие-либо неприятности и боль);
So he sat on a chair (сидел на стуле; sit — сидеть),
With his feet in the air (с ногами в воздухе; foot— нога),
That umbrageous (мнительный, подозрительный, недоверчивый) Old Person of Spain.
There was an Old Person of Spain,
Who hated all trouble and pain;
So he sat on a chair,
With his feet in the air,
That umbrageous Old Person of Spain.
There was a Young Lady of Russia,
Who screamed so that no one could hush her (вопила так, что никто не мог успокоить ее);
Her screams were extreme (ее крики были чрезвычайными), –
No one heard such a scream (никто не слышал такого вопля)
As was screamed by that Lady from Russia (каким был выкрикиваемый этой дамой из России).
There was a Young Lady of Russia,
Who screamed so that no one could hush her;
Her screams were extreme, —
No one heard such a scream
As was screamed by that Lady from Russia.
There was an Old Man who said, 'Well (хорошо)!
Will nobody answer this bell (никто не ответит на звонок)?
I have pulled day and night (дергал день и ночь),
Till my hair has grown white (пока мои волосы не стали белыми; grow— расти; становиться),
But nobody answers this bell!
There was an Old Man who said, 'Well!
Will nobody answer this bell?
I have pulled day and night,
Till my hair has grown white,
But nobody answers this bell!
There was a Young Lady of Wales (из Уэльса),
Who caught a large fish without scales (поймала большую рыбу без чешуи; catch — поймать, ловить);
When she lifted her hook (когда она подняла свой крючок)
She exclaimed (воскликнула), 'Only look (только посмотрите)!
That ecstatic Young Lady of Wales (исступленная).
There was a Young Lady of Wales,
Who caught a large fish without scales;
When she lifted her hook
She exclaimed, 'Only look!
That ecstatic Young Lady of Wales.
There was an Old Person of Cheadle,
Who was put in the stocks by the beadle (был помещен в колодки церковным сторожем)
For stealing some pigs (за кражу нескольких свиней),
Some coats (шкур, курток), and some wigs (париков),
That horrible person of Cheadle (ужасный).
There was an Old Person of Cheadle,
Who was put in the stocks by the beadle
For stealing some pigs,
Some coats, and some wigs,
That horrible person of Cheadle.
There was a Young Lady of Welling,
Whose praise all the world was a-telling (чье восхваление весь мир говорил = которую все восхваляли);
She played on a harp (играла на арфе),
And caught several carp (карпов, сазанов),
That accomplished Young Lady of Welling (искусная, опытная).
There was a Young Lady of Welling,
Whose praise all the world was a-telling;
She played on a harp,
And caught several carp,
That accomplished Young Lady of Welling.
There was an Old Person of Tartary (из Татарии),
Who divided his jugular artery (рассек свою яремную вену);
But he screeched to his wife (прохрипел, провизжал своей жене),
And she said, 'Oh, my life (о, моя жизнь)!
Your death will be felt by all Tartary (твоя смерть будет переживаема = оплакиваема всей Татарией; feel— трогать, чувствовать, испытывать)!
There was an Old Person of Tartary,
Who divided his jugular artery;
But he screeched to his wife,
And she said, 'Oh, my life!
Your death will be felt by all Tartary!
There was an Old Person of Chester,
Whom several small children did pester (которому несколько маленьких детей докучали);
They threw some large stones (они кидали большие камни; throw — кидать),
Which broke most of his bones (что сломало большую часть его костей; break — ломать, разбивать),
And displeased that Old Person of Chester (было неприятно, пришлось не по вкусу).
There was an Old Person of Chester,
Whom several small children did pester;
They threw some large stones,
Which broke most of his bones,
And displeased that Ols Person of Chester.
There was an Old Man with a owl (с совой),
Who continued to bother and howl (продолжал беспокоиться и завывать);
He sat on a rail (сидел на ограде)
And imbibed bitter ale (поглощал горький эль),
Which refreshed (что подкрепило, освежало) that Old Man and his owl.
There was an Old Man with a owl,
Who continued to bother and howl;
He sat on a rail
And imbibed bitter ale,
Which refreshed that Old Man and his owl.
There was an Old Person from Gretna ([город в Шотландии]),
Who rushed down the crater of Etna (сбежал вниз кратера Этны);
When they said, 'Is it hot (горячо)?
He replied (ответил), 'No, it's not!
That mendacious (лживый) Old Person of Gretna.
There was an Old Person from Gretna,
Who rushed down the crater of Etna;
When they said, 'Is it hot?
He replied, 'No, it's not!
That mendacious Old Person of Gretna.
There was a Young Lady of Sweden (из Швеции),
Who went by the slow train (отправилась, пошла медленным поездом) to Weedon;
When they cried (прокричали), 'Weedon Station (станция)!
She made no observation («не сделала наблюдения» = не обратила внимания)
But thought (подумала; think — думать) she should go back (/что/ ей следует поехать назад, вернуться) to Sweden.
There was a Young Lady of Sweden,
Who went by the slow train to Weedon;
When they cried, 'Weedon Station!
She made no observation
But thought she should go back to Sweden.
There was a Young Girl of Majorca (с Майорки),
Whose aunt was a very fast walker (чья тетя была очень быстрым ходоком);
She walked seventy miles (она прошла 70 миль),
And leaped fifteen stiles (и перепрыгнула /через/ 15 заборов),
Which astonished (что изумило, удивило) that Girl of Majorca.
There was a Young Girl of Majorca,
Whose aunt was a very fast walker;
She walked seventy miles,
And leaped fifteen stiles,
Which astonished that Girl of Majorca.
There was an Old Man of the Cape,
Who possessed a large Barbary ape (владел = был хозяином большой бесхвостой /африканской/ обезьяной),
Till the ape one dark night (одной темной ночью)
Set the house all alight (подожгла весь дом; set — помещать /в какое-либо положение/, приводить /в какое-либо состояние/),
Which burned (что сожгло) that Old Man of the Cape.
There was an Old Man of the Cape,
Who possessed a large Barbary ape,
Till the ape one dark night
Set the house all alight,
Which burned that Old Man of the Cape.
There was an Old Lady of Prague (из Праги),
Whose language was horribly vague (чей язык =чьи речи были страшно неопределенными);
When they said, 'Are these caps (это шапки)?
She answered, 'Perhaps (возможно)!
That oracular (мудрая, вещая) Lady of Prague.
There was an Old Lady of Prague,
Whose language was horribly vague;
When they said, 'Are these caps?
She answered, 'Perhaps!
That oracular Lady of Prague.
There was an Old Person of Sparta,
Who had twenty-one sons and one 'darter' (у которого был 21 сын и одна дочь; darter /просторечие/ — отdaughter);
He fed them on snails (кормил их улитками),
And weighed them in scales (взвешивал их на весах),
That wonderful Person of Sparta (удивительный, поразительный).
There was an Old Person of Sparta,
Who had twenty-one sons and one 'darter';
He fed them on snails,
And weighed them in scales,
That wonderful Person of Sparta.
There was an Old Man at a casement (в створном окне),
Who held up his hands in amazement (держал руки вверх, всплеснул руками в изумлении);
When they said, 'Sir, you'll fall (сэр, вы упадете)!
He replied, 'Not at all! (он ответил: "Вовсе нет")
That incipient (начинающийся, зарождающийся) Old Man at a casement.
There was an Old Man at a casement,
Who held up his hands in amazement;
When they said, 'Sir, you'll fall!
He replied, 'Not at all!
That incipient Old Man at a casement.
There was an Old Person of Burton,
Whose answers were rather uncertain (чьи ответы были довольно неопределенными, сомнительными);
When they said, 'How d'ye do (Как вы поживаете = здравствуйте; d'ye — разг. отdo you)?
He replied (ответил), 'Who are you (кто вы)?
That distressing (огорчительный, досадный) Old Person of Burton.
There was an Old Person of Burton,
Whose answers were rather uncertain;
When they said, 'How d'ye do?
He replied, 'Who are you?
That distressing Old Person of Burton.
There was an Old Person of Ems,
Who casually fell in the Thames (случайно упал в Темзу);
And when he was found (когда он был найден)
They said he was drowned (сказали, что он был утонувшим = что утонул),
That unlucky Old Person of Ems (невезучий).
There was an Old Person of Ems,
Who casually fell in the Thames;
And when he was found
They said he was drowned,
That unlucky Old Person of Ems.
There was an Old Person of Ewell,
Who chiefly subsisted on gruel (главный образом кормился, жил на жидкой каше);
But to make it more nice (чтобы сделать ее лучше, вкуснее)
He inserted some mice (он поместил, добавил несколько мышей; mouse — мышь),
Which refreshed (что подкрепило, освежило) that Old Person of Ewell.
There was an Old Person of Ewell,
Who chiefly subsisted on gruel;
But to make it more nice
He inserted some mice,
Which refreshed that Old Person of Ewell.
There was a Young Lady of Parma ([город в Италии]),
Whose conduct grew calmer and calmer (чье поведение становилось тише и тише);
When they said, 'Are you dumb (немая)?
She merely (только, единственно) said, 'Hum! (Хм!)
That provoking Young Lady of Parma (вызывающая).
There was a Young Lady of Parma,
Whose conduct grew calmer and calmer;
When they said, 'Are you dumb?
She merely said, 'Hum!
That provoking Young Lady of Parma.
There was an Old Man of Aôsta ([город в Италии]),
Who possessed a large cow, but he lost her (владел большой коровой, но потерял ее; lose — терять);
But they said, 'Don't you see (ты /разве/ не видишь)
She has rushed up a tree (/что/ она бросилась, залезла на дерево)?
You invidious (возмутительный) Old Man of Aôsta!
There was an Old Man of Aôsta,
Who possessed a large cow, but he lost her;
But they said, 'Don't you see
She has rushed up a tree?
You invidious Old Man of Aôsta!
There was an Old Man, on whose nose (на чьем носе),
Most birds of the air could repose (многие птицы небесные могли передохнуть);
But they all flew away (все улетели; fly — летать)
At the closing of day (к концу дня),
Which relieved (что облегчило, утешило) that Old Man and his nose.
There was an Old Man, on whose nose,
Most birds of the air could repose;
But they all flew away
At the closing of day,
Which relieved that Old Man and his nose.
There was a Young Lady of Clare ([город в Северной Ирландии]),
Who was sadly pursued by a bear (к сожалению, преследовалась медведем);
When she found she was tired (когда она обнаружила, /что/ она была уставшей),
She abruptly expired (внезапно скончалась),
That unfortunate Lady of Clare (неудачливая).
There was a Young Lady of Clare,
Who was sadly pursued by a bear;
When she found she was tired,
She abruptly expired,
That unfortunate Lady of Clare.
There was an Old Man of Kildare,
Who climbed into a very old chair (забрался на очень старый стул);
When he said, — "Here I stays, — (здесь я останусь)
till the end of my days, (до конца моих дней)"
That immovable (непреклонный, неподвижный) Man of Kildare.
There was an Old Man of Kildare,
Who climbed into a very old chair;
When he said, — "Here I stays, —
till the end of my days,"
That immovable Man of Kildare.
There was an Old Man of New York,
Who murdered himself with a fork (убил себя вилкой);
But nobody cried (никто не плакал)
Though he very soon died (хотя он очень скоро умер), –
For that silly (из-за того глупого) Old Man of New York.
There was an Old Man of New York,
Who murdered himself with a fork;
But nobody cried
Though he very soon died, —
For that silly Old Man of New York.
There was an Old Sailor (матрос) of Compton,
Whose vessel a rock it once bump'd on (чье судно на гору однажды наскочило);
The shock was so great (удар был так велик),
That it damaged the pate (что он повредил башку, макушку),
Of that singular (того «единственного» = странного, необычного) Sailor of Compton.
There was an Old Sailor of Compton,
Whose vessel a rock it once bump'd on;
The shock was so great,
That it damaged the pate,
Of that singular Sailor of Compton.