Иллюстратор Зигфрид герцог фон Бабенберг
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© Зигфрид герцог фон Бабенберг, 2023
© Зигфрид герцог фон Бабенберг, иллюстрации, 2023
© Зигфрид герцог фон Бабенберг, перевод, 2023
© Зигфрид геррцог фон Бабенберг, дизайн обложки, 2023
ISBN 978-5-0060-1589-0
Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero
Революционные французские войска штурмуют Вормс. 1798
Revolutionary French troops storm Worms
The ancient capital of Germany after being looted by French revolutionary troops
Древняя столица Германии после разграбления французскими революционными войсками
Siegfried, Siegfried, the hero incredible,
Across the field he strode, as legendary as fable.
With his sword he conquered all in the world,
Great fame was destined for him- to it he hurled.
But one day he met a maiden fair,
Her beauty utterly enchanted him there.
He married her and was reborn anew,
Happier and freer than he ever knew.
But evil forces burned hate in their hearts,
And before a loathsome duke they did him depart.
He cried out in help, and to aid him came Valkyrie,
She descended to earth, ready to fight to the last degree.