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Learning Express of telepathy

I consecrate this book to my students, who were tested and taught telepathy by me

Brief information about the author

Valery Ivanovich Zhiglov, the author of more than one hundred scientific papers, dozens scientific and popular posts, a number of scientific monographs, and numerous books, which are aimed at non-specialist audience, has awards from the Government.

Is it really possible to learn how to telepath?

There is one thing I learnt after studying telepathy for more than forty years. Almost anyone can learn it. Things, which one needs for this, are the real wish, attention, and confidence in success.

V.I. Zhiglov

It shall not take too much time for you to read this book through, and to understand basic methodologies needed to discover some specific extrasensory abilities in oneself. Yet, opening telepathy communication channels in a human, provided the methodologies described here are already learned and used properly, takes a few minutes. Well, let us have everything described in the proper order, from the beginning.

Having graduated from a university, I had my military service as a military medic, from 1973 until 1974, and it is there and then, that I started my very first experiments to study this phenomenon in my patients. However, in the beginning, it always took much time for me, weeks or even months, to teach someone the telepathy. Not always the positive result was achieved. Yet, as the methodology improved with the time, the results were becoming more and more promising.

Now, after more than forty years of studying telepathy I am certain almost anyone can learn it, and the things that one needs to learn telepathy are the wish, attention, belief in success.

For eight years, between 2007 and 2015, I ruled the community of Esoterica-369. Those were the years, when multiple participants of our community passed my tests and were taught telepathy by me, and they achieved positive results in short time, some even in dozens of minutes.

At the final stage of teaching, they were offered to see, and describe in details, a painting in my flat, they all were far away from, sometimes thousands miles away. Next, a photo of the painting was demonstrated to surprise one with close similarity to what each of them had just described as their telepathic i.

The chapters of the book, which follow, do comprise the feedback from some individuals, who were tested and taught telepathy by me, in accordance with the methodology that I developed.

Feedback from people, who were tested and taught telepathy

This chapter comprises reports from those people, who earlier were tested and taught telepathy by me. I tried not to modify their tone of voice. Because their reports were mainly published on forums and emailed, they use corresponding nicknames, which those people use in social networks.

Both men and women were among them, but for some reason only women provided the feedback in a forum. As a matter of fact, though, in many women, the intuition is far more advanced than in men. Women were much better during telepathy tests.

It is during the relevant testing that the telepathic communication channels are set up. As a rule, the first tests show negative results. But already from the second, third test there is a significant improvement in the results. And at the final stage of testing a person can freely telepathically perceive whole colorful canvases of pictures and describe them in sufficient detail.

I expect those who passed telepathic testing might share their experience with you.

Most of those people were unaware of the hidden extrasensory abilities they had.

Usually, people demonstrate average telepathic abilities, and only a small amount of those individuals, who passed the testing, demonstrate the best results. Also, those people, who did not demonstrate such abilities at all, were a minority.

Not the absence of detectable telepathic abilities in such people was the reason for the failure, but rather the insufficient efforts and confidence in the result prevented them from opening up an from improving their Divine Gift. Let us mention a cautionary tale from the Gospel about a wicked and lazy slave, who buried his talent in soil.

A rich man, “going on a journey, summoned his slaves and entrusted his property to them; to one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away. The one who had received the five talents went off at once and traded with them, and made five more talents. In the same way, the one who had the two talents made two more talents. But the one who had received the one talent went off and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money”. (Matthew 25:14–18).

Having come back, the man required his slaves to report. The two first slaves were complimented, but the third was said: “You wicked and lazy slave! You knew, did you, that I reap where I did not sow, and gather where I did not scatter? Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and on my return I would have received what was my own with interest. So take the talent from him, and give it to the one with the ten talents. For to all those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away”. (Matthew 25:26–29).

I passed the telepathy test

I do not intend to describe either the test itself, or its tasks and interpretations, but I would like to share the emotional experience I had during the telepathy session.

Practically everyone is capable of telepathy, but only few know how to perceive and to transmit the information. One can recall the situations, when someone says in a dialogue: “You are reading my thoughts! I was going to say the same!”

Telepathy is by definition transmitting thoughts. In no way is telepathy a fairy tale, but a working phenomenon, furthermore, the phenomenon carefully studied and often implemented in practice. Virtually any person can learn it. During the session, my nerve system cloned the processes, which took place in the nerve system of a person, which was separated with me by thousands of kilometers. My Teacher and I used a simple method of opening up chakras during the session – the meditation: with closed eyes and stable calm breath. On each breath-in, I imagined a bunch of energy coming from earth and moving towards my first chakra, to be taken by the first chakra, then the same with the second chakra, the third one, etc. On each breath-out, I imagined this bunch of energy leaving the first chakra and passing through my body towards the third eye and going to the Teacher. As result, my mind reproduced the same is, which were in the mind of the person, whose mind created those is. I perceived the information by color, any i, vibrations, I had to trust my intuition and only perceived what I felt. Verbalization was hard – it is the stage of evaluating the information that was obtained by telepathy. The first time, it was complicated for me to prevent my mind from commenting; and to realize, what was obtained, unbiased, like “we have what we have”.

Importantly, energetic impoverishment of the body might have easily nixed the entire attempt to carry out the experiment. It is not about the energy affecting the process, but rather I, myself, felt uncertainty.

Nevertheless, testing results were good, provided this was the first time. The highest extent of the testing – sensory feeling appearance – was on the level of touching various parts of the body. Such kind of telepathy may hardly be called willful during the initial stage. Sensory feelings bring realizing the phenomenon from outside.

What a miracle it is – to understand that we all are something larger, than just a physical body! Each person irradiates and perceives tangible energy, which, in turn, influences people nearby. We all are a part of huge and weird and invisible information energy fields that define the state of health for both any individual and the entire planet, and one may learn controlling the energy!

Tatiana Fedina, 2010—07—11

My testing!

Good morning to all!!!

To begin with, usually, when I go to bed, calm, and with my body relaxed, I often feel a person I am thinking of. That became the reason for my interest. It was hard to concentrate during testing, for my relatives were disturbing me all the time. I, too, could not concentrate properly, as reacting emotionally to everything is in my nature.

How testing was carried out

1) Digits: “3” was identified at the fourth attempt, “7” was identified at the second attempt.

2) I identified the card suit at first attempt. I told the dress was long with lantern-like sleeves, and a light transparent cape was on the head. The second card, the king of clubs, was identified at second attempt. Initially, I mistook it for knight of spades. I felt it was a man and the suit was black, but the first answer was still wrong.

3) Figures: I recognized the triangle almost at once.

4) Taste: I did not feel it at all, but, once told it was lemon, my imagination immediately presented lemon cut right in the middle, with its cut portion on a plate.

5) Painting: I felt water at once, and I saw that yellow house with a red roof of tiles. There was a sand-color bank with green and trees. There was a tree inclined to the water.

6) At first, I mistook a stuffed penguin for an eagle… But I recognized a copper candleholder. Next I had to see a porcelain statuette. First I thought it appeared to me as a bear, but it was an elephant. Still, its appearance was exactly what I imagined.

By the end of testing I was so tired, that I barely stayed awakened.

Certainly, I did not have all my chakras opened up all at once; instead they worked one after another….

Thank You, Valery Ivanovich Zhiglov!

He convinced me that once I feel something on the level of intuition, it is what it is, thus he taught me to listen to my intuition even more carefully…

I still have to work a lot with my chakras, I will do the best to learn, and I will use the knowledge for the benefit of the humankind!!!

Good luck and happiness to all!

Elena, 2010—06—26

By knowing yourself, you know the Creator, or my telepathy testing

I underwent testing for my abilities in telepathy, by Valery Ivanovich. I asked Valery Ivanovich for this test, as I needed to understand my abilities, my issues and myself. I would like to thank this wonderful and kind man for not denying me.

The testing results are: I had only four middle chakras opened up, the lower and the upper chakras did not work at all.

I messed up the first test completely, as I did guess the digit at the fifth attempt out of five.

The repeated test was better, and the correct answer was at the second attempt.

It turned out I do not trust my intuition completely, because I used my conscious to verify the answers obtained, and the correct answers, which I was receiving, inevitably turned incorrect. The mind initiates guessing, with very low chance for guessing actually. Yet, intuition provided clear and correct answers. During testing, it could suddenly disappear, but then reappear again.

I always had issues with smelling, for I work in a chemical laboratory, not too good for my nose.

I shall not describe every stage in detail, as many did it before me, I just want to mention, that by the end of testing I clearly saw, which carpet is in the room of Valery Ivanovich, I managed to describe profession, actual job, job position and the visual appearance of his fellow scientist, the one who brought the stuffed penguin from Antarctica.

When intuition worked, I clearly perceived the visual i of the painting, and I described such details, which once cannot guess. Cannot guess…

And yet, I only had three middle chakras opened up, and the fourth one barely working. I can only guess what it would have been like, if the entire Kundalini had worked in full. What a power it would have been…

E.A. Tsvetaev, a famous psychiatrist and hypnotizer, compared Kundalini to the atomic energy, and working with it should be very delicate. Yet, the one, who invokes it, obtains tremendous abilities and possibilities!

I wish good luck to all participants of our Esoterica-369 society, be patient in your self-knowing and development! There is no limit for self-improvement!

Work on yourselves and love yourselves, for you all are so wonderful, kind, clever, individual and so very beautiful! Remember that there is no other like you on Earth! Each of you is unique on this amazing and the most wonderful planet. Give love to all existing, bring Light and be happy, my dear good people! I love you all so much!

Always yours, Marina

Marina Nesterenko, 2010—05—31

I took the gift from the Universe

The abundant Universe sent a gift to me, and Valery Ivanovich kindly tests me for telepathy!

Nothing to be proud of, the results are below the average.

It was really hard. I saw Valery Ivanovich doing his best to find the approach specifically to my individuality, but all in vain.

Finally, he somehow succeeded in finding the channel we were waiting for, so I finally saw the first correct answer. Then a correct answer was once more. Yet again, a more complicated task ruined everything again.

I would have been disappointed earlier, I guess. But as for now, I see this event in my life in much better colors.

Above all, I understood that it is the opening up chakras, what opening up the Third eye and telepathy in general reside upon. Now is the time for me to proceed with opening up my chakras, more intensively.

Next, I now have the methodology that I can now use myself. Catching some aspects of it allows understanding how it works in general, and it is the most essential.

Now it is my turn to wish, to need and to be ready. Discovering my power myself – is there anything more wonderful?

I am grateful to Valery Ivanovich for such generous gifts, essential in everyone’s life. Let your generosity, kindness that you give to people, come back to you multiplied thousand times with the Universe Abundance stream coming down on You.

I love You!

Participant of testing, 2009—08—10

I want to share my experience

I want to share my experience after testing for telepathy. About the settings: earlier, during meditations, I used Oriental settings with seven chakras. Valery Ivanovich uses the Slavic Vedic methods with some amendments, now I understand what he uses is far more powerful. I lost much time to understand it, what I needed was not to think, but to listen and to do the way Valery Ivanovich said, and that was something essential for me to start with.

I ruined the first stage thinking I was unable.

Yet, the delicacy of Valery Ivanovich eliminated my doubts. Later I finally was able to have all my thoughts dismissed in some way, and I really began acquiring is and giving more or less correct answers!

I am really happy! I now intend maintain, and improve further, the settings given to me by Valery Ivanovich!

It is only now, that I understood how exciting it is – to discover new abilities and opportunities!

Valery Ivanovich, please, kindly accept my gratitude and appreciation!

Inna Eriomkina, 2009—09—09

Testing for telepathy

7:00 PM, 2009—07–22

Yet another “liar dice game”? Whether or not I succeed, was not so important for me. All I needed to do was to convince myself relax and feel my spinal cord. I took the pose I like with my hands to the computer. Eyes are not in comfort, the faster the display fades out, the better.


The lower one began getting warmer, as if wakening up, and the tailbone began moving, though not smoothly.

The orange chakra started working faster, but it was unhappy and slightly roaring, stopping and resuming its vibration.

The yellow chakra flashed at once and started expanding fast. It was not just warm, but it was hot.

The green chakra was slower and calmer, invoking first the chakra to the right, and then the one to the left, all they were rotating in harmony, synchronized.

The cyan chakra was getting colder all the time, and I seemingly saw a black ellipse right in the middle, above the thyroid.

The blue chakra responded well, tingling, ringing, and vibrating strongly in happiness.

The purple chakra became filled with soft and dizzy energy, which then began waving along my entire body.


I turned away from my computer to my window to prevent anything from disturbing me. I took a convenient pose.

1. Task. See the digit. The digits appeared vertically on the black background. I was going through and though them in reversed order, and the digit “three” was brighter than other digits. Then I became confused and no longer attentive, so I named the wrong digit. Only at the second attempt I named the digit “three”.

2. The second task. See the card suit. Hearts appeared on the black background, but only the suit, not the rank; I told it was “6”, then counted the hearts and named the “9”. Next I saw the Queen out of the card deck. The dame was young, blond hair with a diadem, and with transparent veil on top of her head. She had a splendid dress with a cut. The attempt to recognize another card was a total failure. There was a black spot only, I thought it was spades, but it was clubs, and not a knight, but a king.

3. I failed to feel the odor. I only felt freshness and lightness.

4. Feeling the taste. I could only feel some acid in my mouth, like the lemon taste, I saw a yellow spot clearly. The lemon cut was seen so clear that I even felt as if I touched it with my hand.

5. See a picture? Well, there was a rectangle, 40cm x 25cm, thin frame. Below the picture, there was more water than to the right. Seven pines were above the water surrounding a small house. There also were bushes, not too tall, on the picture. The house was to the left, its tiled roof was red and sloping, the house was made of wood. To the right from the middle line, there was a flat cost of sand. There was yet another bush slightly to the right and above, with trees growing behind it. There were scarf clouds above it on the picture, and only the mid-top of the picture was the sky blue.

Rosa Zelenaya, 2009—07—27

My testing

Hello to all Esoterica-369 community members!

I decided to write about my testing for telepathy by Valery Ivanovich Zhiglov.

The testing took place two moths ago, but only now I found the time to share the experience.

It seems it was forever ago, when I learnt about chakras, I have been practicing self-knowing since I was a child, and I was always wondering why I am here, on Earth.

I completed multiple training courses; I improved intuition with black-white cards.

Therefore, I was glad when Valery Ivanovich kindly offered testing.

So, he told me to activate my chakras, and so I did, and we proceeded to testing. Just like during meditations, when my chakras open up, I feel warmth, tingling, etc. by those points of me.

As I see it now, it was not too successful with digits at the beginning, for I could not concentrate (my daughter was running around all the time).

Identifying the card suit was poor, too, still, I managed to see at once, what was on the Queen’s head, and which dress she was wearing. I also replied correctly about the King.

I listed the most essential features of the picture – water, trees, mountains or a stone. I saw no house, whatever I tried…

My daughter finally went to bed, and I could concentrate at last. That was the moment when I began seeing everything with my eyes, although the eyes were closed…

I described the apartment, where Valery Ivanovich lives, virtually in every detail, what the floor was made from, what the color of the sofa was, where the TV set was in the room.

The best seen was the picture from the window of his apartment, which I described with no error – a park with a path across, a playing site for kids, with an artificial hill amidst. There are also benches and a lake going away far and to the left.

I wish to emphasize, the vision of the park was do distinct, that I still can see it again anytime, when I wish my memory to recall it.

Because Valery Ivanovich assisted me with my chakras activation, they opened up stronger than usually, and the feeling of burning in chakras locations was not leaving me alone for a week after the testing.

I am really grateful to Valery Ivanovich, a good friend of mine, for the testing, for his friendship, and for much useful and interesting information.

After the testing, I continue to work with the intuition, and my perception abilities improved greatly.

Ludmila Bondarovich, 2009—06—14

Touching the unknown

I still feel excitement, when I was undergoing my first exercise for telepathy. Excitement did not go.

With the chakras opened up, I found myself in a strange state, as if my body was by itself, whereas my brain (actually, the inner body, the soul) was separated… At the beginning, I was able to do nothing, and it disappointed me, yet I thought everything should finally be ok, for I feel it should, then again doubts were coming…

I concentrated and tried to abandon the last fears. That made the results much better.

I wish to thank Valery Ivanovich for his enormous patience. I know it was hard for him to do it with me, as I was “flying on” elsewhere, understanding I should have pulled the brake lever, but I did not want to frame him with all his trust in me!

Calming down, I began feeling the correct answers for questions.

Every incorrect answer initiated worrying in me, I feel it even now, as I am writing down these lines.

Here, words by Valery Ivanovich, which were the words of support, re-emerge in my memory.

In some way, he is the Angel, which tuned me to feeling the correct answers.

Angel, 2009—06—13

Some words on telepathy

I want to share my feelings during passing the test for telepathic abilities by Valery Ivanovich Zhiglov.

Actually, this all is simple and complicated simultaneously…

Long ago, I actively practiced things like chakra breathing, Sufi techniques, etc.

Those practices gave colossal abilities to me.

Well, as one knows, not keeping oneself in good shape demolishes any skill, not totally, indeed, but still…

A number of events in my life resulted in my “escape” from all, and I preferred to avoid communication with others.

I still had my knowledge with me, but insufficient practice resulted in insufficient results.

Well, having read, in the community of Esoterica-369, the feedback from those who already passed the testing, I decided to try it myself. (As a matter of fact, I like trying everything myself…)

Besides, I might have been pushed to such a decision by the fact, that I, for a long time now, have been noticing I was feeling other people in Internet. Individuals, which I never met before, never saw before – anyway, I was able to unmistakably tell whether a person was positive or negative; whether I should continue to communicate and keep the contact with the person, or it is impossible fundamentally; whether or not we have common interests. I often see how the person looks; not clearly, but there is some i anyway…

Now over to the testing itself.

I had to open up chakras first. For the moment, it was difficult to me. Opening up the third chakra was easy, not the first and the second ones, no idea why. The first chakra is the energy of life, and also the second one; and the latter also is responsible for sexual energy…

To summarize, the result was poor, but still there was some result.

Next, I had to see the digit.

I did not see anything at the beginning, actually there was something, but I could not concentrate.

Only at the third attempt, the picture became clear, and I saw the digit, which was transmitted to me, highlighted, on the black background.

The second digit was seen and named at once.

Next were the cards…

Doing it was complicated for me, and it took time before I succeeded.

I understand the reason for that. You know what going on?

In some moment, the brain starts resisting (I feel it well), or it tries its best to defocus my attention. As soon as it happens, the picture disappears. Therefore, I need another effort, a big effort, to restore it again.

Then I had to tell what was on the card.

Because my chakras were opened up slightly, I saw the card unclear. I should have seen a white transparent bridal veil, and a white dress, but the color that I saw was not white, maybe, it was greyish in some way. I saw the veil, but I decided it was just a piece of transparent fabric; actually, I gave the correct answer.

It was much easier with the second card. I did not see the suit at once, but I saw the i.

Next, I had to see the geometric figure.

Only at second attempt was I able to give the correct answer. I did not name the correct color at once, too.

But I felt the odor at once, I waited a little with the answer, I wanted to be sure that I was right… and I was!

I felt the taste quickly, too. It might be simpler for me, as I already dealt with identifying taste and odor.

The painting was the most complicated. I saw it clearly only by the end, whereas during the process some details were only developing. What I saw at once was water, trees were next, but the rest was a problem. Funny, I saw Valery Ivanovich looking on the painting, maybe my attention switched on him…

The testing gave much to me.

Above all, I saw my problems, they do exist, and they may be eliminated fast.

Also, I understood developing telepathy is a must, for one improves the one’s intuition with this. The one’s inner state changes for better absolutely!

I again saw one might develop such abilities in oneself.

The most essential is to trust oneself, the one’s inner voice and the intuition.

So many times in my life I repeated, “trust yourself!” to see how true those words are!

If you only knew, how many mistakes in life might be avoided, if the intuition were trusted… Indeed you do know!

Thank you very much, Valery Ivanovich!

I hope I can talk to you many more times about the matter.

Olga Lobzova, 2009—06—04

My first steps to the world of the unknown, yet so attractive!!!

Who on Earth could even think that abilities in telepathy are virtually in everyone of us? And yet, it is we, who are busy all the time, who are unable to listen to our intuition, who do not improve them, and many are not even aware of it, thinking they do not have such abilities at all.

I passed testing for telepathy by Valery Ivanovich. Strange feelings were only at the first minutes, as excitement was preventing from concentrating and relaxing, but then… step by step, you start seeing certain pictures, digits, card suits, etc. Each time a surprise how it might be possible.

Energy channels, chakras, were opened up in an interesting way…

My chest felt warmth, sometime a little too much warmth; there was tingling feeling near the bottom of the stomach…

I could not get used to it for some time, but then it became normal for me.

The next part of the test was devoted to identifying taste and odor…

Valery Ivanovich asked me, what is the taste that I feel – sweet, bitter, acidic or salted? – I was tuning and felt the taste of a lemon in my mouth…

The same was with the odors…

I still cannot believe it, but that is a fact!!!

I can sometime feel emotions of others to me. Still, it is not easy for me to tune my intuition right, if I am not assisted by someone else.

I hope Valery Ivanovich might kindly help me to further develop my tiny abilities!!!

** – – **, 2009—06—02

My communication with V.I. Zhiglov

I describe my first lesson in telepathy without too much stringency.

Furthermore, I am going to write with some self-irony, for I can write about it with a smile on my face today. Several days have gone after testing, no more concerns, no more worries, and the smile helps me draw the picture of my feelings.

The test itself does not look too complicated; you only should listen to the Teacher, respond positively, and fly in the airstream of his advices and tips…

This was the rule I learnt after almost total failure…

You should trust the Teacher and rely on your first impression, also known as intuition!

You cannot enter the Path of Knowledge in the area that you totally are unaware of, open-eyed, and with your own principles in life…

Now I tell in more details.

The recommendation was to concentrate.

Here came what we call the fifth wheel in a carriage…

Executing the command appeared to be complicated; I was in an impenetrable shell, which is known as the “protection”.

It was only the Teacher’s skill, that ignited my third chakra with some dim light, yet two more chakras had to be opened up for a dialog to start, whereas I still had doubts: for what may I need it?

Theoretically, I knew everything told at that moment that needed to be executed…

It was me, who asked for the experiment, and who wanted the action, why then was I so too proud that I hesitated just to take it?!!

This was what I understood at the first stage: being too proud is not good!!!

Step by step, the dialog finally became testing, but I often exceeded the time given to finish the task.

The Teacher’s delicacy and discreetness, as he found proper words for a student, is an important factor, very important!!!

The result, as I see it, was just bad, only digits and playing cards were more or less.

I smile as I think about the task with the painting, what I saw was a mill with a roof being covered with white, not every painter might even think of it.

He does not go deep into details, and that is something I like!!!

I look for an excuse for my failures, here it is, my pride, and it is good that I saw it!!!

I am so grateful to You, Valery Ivanovich, for the discovery You did, because it reveals my mistakes to me!!!

I thoroughly follow Your recommendations, as I make my homework, and I keep all the records. I need to learn identifying the suit and the face of a card intuitively.

I look forward to meeting Valery Ivanovich again!

To all our participants I wish to trust our intuition more, where logic must be abandoned, for it brings us to the wrong place!!!

Valena Vysotskaya, 2009—06—02

Telepathic communication is reality!!!

I want to share the results of testing for telepathic abilities that I passed today morning.

Frankly saying, I would hardly believe before today that I could see anything outside the area that I see with my eyes.

The result: much (not all, indeed!) of what Valery Ivanovich offered me for description was seen and described by me. Those were is, fragments of paintings, various items, tastes, and aromas…

The information was arriving, when I saw myself elsewhere “up” more, than in my material body…

There was feeling of excitement together with joining something infinite…

There was a strong surprise to what was going on with me!

This description is perhaps too short, for the emotions now overwhelm me!!!

I love you all very much!!!!!!

Elena Zhurova, 2010—05—15

Once more about telepathy

Good time of day, dear associates!

For those who missed my previous post: Valery Ivanovich tested my telepathic communication abilities yesterday. To say I was amazed would be to say nothing…

With two days gone (plenty of time!) after working with me, and the mixture of emotions that I had in my mind (and in my soul, too) started the transformation into at least some kind of explanation for what was going on.

I, an ordinary human, can see with my eyes closed, and even the distance does not matter!

Feeling of touching the Mystery, the Whole does not leave me alone even now!

Let me tell a little how it was.

First, I had to relax and to open up chakras.

(A human is a complicated structure that consists of a material body and the energy substance, someone else may probably disclose it a better way, this is not the point now).

A human body has three energy centers: the lower one, the middle one and the upper one. Each center comprises the corresponding chakras: Istok, Zarod and Zhivot for the lower one; Persi, Lada and Lelia for the middle one; Ustie, Chelo and Rodnik for the upper one.

Not all of my chakras opened up, furthermore, I did not even hear about some.

Everything went wrong at the beginning, as my head was always trying to supervise the process by thinking and guessing.

It was only when I managed to leave everything behind and stop thinking, just trust in what was going on, the necessary information came to me.

There was a wave from below to my head (or even above), followed by pictures, feelings, tastes…

That was not just obtaining the information only – coming together were the feelings of Joy, Happiness and unspeakable Excitement (again emotions!) and the Universe Love!

There was the Joy of not only being capable of doing something (although it contributed, too), but of feeling myself a part of the Single Whole!

My “Third eye” works!!!

This is just one little step. But it is the motion!

This my motion started only when my mind was disconnected.

The apparent conclusion is that, for some reason, our rational conscious does not need our soul.

Elena Zhurova, 2010—05—17

How I was tested for telepathy

1) The first task was to see the number from 1 to 9 with my inner sight.

I did not feel at once that the number was 3. I named all other numbers: 1, 4, 6, and only then I named 3, the correct one.

I did not name the second digit 7 at once, too, though I felt it intuitively. Then, after I knew the correct answer, I was shocked, for I did not trust my intuition.

2) The second task was easy for me. I had to recognize the suit and the rank of a card.

It did not take much for me to answer it was the Queen, and, next, that it was the queen of hearts. I simply knew it, and I had no doubt that my answer would be correct.

As I was describing the card, I saw a long dress to the floor with lantern-like sleeves.

I named slightly different color and saw only one flower on her head, although there was a crown made of flowers.

As for the second card, I named the correct suit, but I was slightly wrong about its rank. I felt masculine energy and thought that was the knight, but in reality that was the King.

3) Feeling odor was hard for me, though it was tiger balm. As was trying to tune for the odor transmitted, I only felt slight throat clearing, but I failed to name the odor.

4) Seeing what is on a picture.

First, I saw water in the middle of the picture, the moving water – it was a small river.

I thought I saw dawn, but it was sunset.

I saw trees to the left.

Then I decided to proceed further, to describing the right part of the picture. I saw a small house there. Then I saw something round on the house and realized that was the mill!

To the right, I saw the bank, red-brown in color.

Here is how I knew more about myself and about my place in this World, and I learnt we are all bound together there and, if there is the wish for that, exchange information and the distance is not an obstacle!)))

Moon Goddess 2010—05—11

I want to share my impressions about testing for telepathy

For long time I am interested in such phenomena as telepathy, clairvoyance, levitation etc., something that many simply do not believe in.

I know about chakras and where they are. I always thought not everyone could open one’s chakras. Therefore, I did not even imagine mine could open up too!!!

But after I learnt about Valery Ivanovich Zhiglov, who helped me to pass testing for telepathy, everything changed in my life, I began seeing what’s going on around in a different way!

Thank you very much, Valery Ivanovich!!!

Now about the test itself.

I had to open up all chakras starting from below.

Whatever I tried to open up the first lower chakra that is red, and the second one that is orange, the fastest and the best working was, as I thought, opening the third chakra, the yellow one.

I realized it having felt warmth above my navel.

The warmth was slowly rising higher and higher, to turn into the real heat in chest, and the heat grabbed my chakra from both the left and the right sides.

Almost instantly, my cyan throat chakra started opening up. It was hard, though, as if there was something in my throat.

The last two my chakras did not open up, whatever I was trying.

During testing, I felt the two lower chakras started opening, which never opened up before.

The testing itself was interesting, and I liked it.

Although I named the digit at third attempt, identifying suits was both better and worse, and the task with the picture was bad for me.

Only after some time I realized as soon as I switch on the mind, all this disappears!!!

Therefore, my recommendation to beginners – when you initiate your chakras and tune to the telepathic communication, try switching off your brain, or else it would be only the obstacle that eliminates pictures!!!!

I wish good luck and good mood to all!!!

Avrora, 2010—03—17

My telepathic abilities

I read about the community of Esoterica-369, led by V.I. Zhiglov, who offered testing for telepathic abilities, and who shared his methodologies for developing telepathy techniques. Naturally, I was interested.

It was like a fairytale: the person lives in my city, and I am interested in what he shares.

All those new communications would hardly substitute a personal talk.

I am sure many of us often obtain answers for the questions, which they ask, in form o pictures, phrases, dreams, etc.

I am not an exception to the rule, although I thought that was my fantasy, and I did not pay enough attention to those obvious tips.

Valery Ivanovich was the magician who helped me to implement my “fantasies”.

Now I know I should develop it, and I know how I will do it.

These techniques are the key that opens the door into the world of my abilities.

It is not that important, which period in life coincides with that time, a child also does not have all the skills immediately after she is born (she cannot walk, speak, sing, draw, etc.).

The World is so big and versatile, and there is no limit for perfection when learning it.

Irina Simonova, 2010—03—10

What is telepathy?

The term of telepathy is a combination of the two ancient Greek words: τῆλε, tele, meaning “distant”, and πάθος, pathos, or – patheia, meaning “feeling, perception, passion, affliction, experience”. As a matter of fact, it means the ability of a brain to transfer its thoughts, is, colors, feelings, tastes and odors, its psychic and emotional status, or even entire paintings, to another brain or another organism at any distance, without using any communication means that the modern science is aware of.

Frederic W. H. Myers, a founder of the Society for Psychical Research in Great Britain, was the first to use this word back in 1882. He carried out experiments on transferring thoughts elsewhere. Later on, other researchers carried out similar experiments in many countries of Asia, Europe, USA and USSR.

The belief in telepathy has its roots in ancient times. Unknown, strange phenomena, impossible to explain or even understand, always attracted people. In the eyes of an individual, “phenomena” means any events missing scientific approach to studying, but should the subject matter be beyond the explainable, then it was considered paranormal.

Telepathy is mentioned in works of ancient philosophers, scientists and even religious figures, who took their prayer for an act of communication with God by means of transmitting thoughts far beyond, and receiving the corresponding information.

Foresight and future prediction phenomenon may also be listed therewith, being still unexplainable, though one is aware of amazing prophecies by prophets from the Bible, as well as by such historical figures as Nostradamus, Wolf Messing, Vanga and many others, including those living in our time.

One would hardly doubt that intuition often helps us in life and make important decisions affecting our own future and the future of loved ones. Fewer would ever think intuition and telepathy are two sides of the same coin; in one case you share thoughts with another individual at a distance, in another case you align your thoughts with the Uniform Information Field or the Mind of the Universe.

Telepathy exists; it is now an axiom for any person in good mind. For example, a mother feels her child well even at a distance, and feels all positive or negative emotions of the child. Yet, it is still unclear, what exactly is the nature of those impulses that transfer the thoughts.

Initially, scientists suggested that transmitting telepathic signals might be based on weak radio waves generated by a human brain. Further studies, however, nixed such a suggestion.

For example, literary source available for public reported about successful experiments on transmitting telepathic information by participants inside a submarine deep underwater, and far from the submarine’s base.

Later, similar experiments on telepathy were carried out with a group of speleologists, who were for a long time inside a cave, where no radio waves could penetrate.

In 1971, American newspapers reported about a successful telepathy session with an astronaut onboard Appolo-14.

In USSR, V.M. Bekhterev, P.P. Lazarev, G.A. Kozhevnikov, and others studied telepathy. Later on, there were multiple laboratory experiments with individuals who claimed they possessed extrasensory abilities, such as Ninel Kulagina and Wolf Messing.

Scientists concluded telepathy knows no obstacles such as distance or isolation of any kind. Telepathic information overcomes any material obstacles.

Based on earlier studies, one may conclude that telepathic communication may successfully be established with future Moon expedition participants, even those who would be on the opposite side of the Moon, and even with participants of future interplanetary journeys within the Solar system, and even beyond it.

Also, I used to communicate telepathically with people from different lands, including those living on the opposite side of our planet, with former citizen of this country living now in America; furthermore, their remote location did not affect the communication quality anyhow.

For the purpose of control in real time, ordinary telephony and the Skype were also engaged during the remote testing for telepathic abilities.

It turned out, that virtually any individual might learn uncomplicated esoteric methodologies related to physiological transformation of one’s body and the following entrance to the Astral World. Surprisingly, the individual would start understanding it is in the Astral World, where one could fuse with any other person of the material world, regardless where the other person is located, to share disparate information and transmitting, at any distance, not only one’s thoughts, but also emotions, tastes and odors, visual is, including specific form of material objects, their generalized temperature characteristics, various colors, and even paintings.

In addition, the human mind would then open channels for information exchange as for a specific material object development in time, i.e. on its past, present and future.

Examples of telepathic communication

This chapter comprises some examples of telepathic communication, as described in various literary sources from the reference list at the end of the book.

There are two types of telepathy: spontaneous, emerging spontaneously in everyday life, and experimental, invoked in those undergoing dedicated experiments.

People may demonstrate telepathic state spontaneously, when a person is in a dangerous situation causing fear, pain, or, alternatively, feeling great joy or meditating deep in a prayer.

Spontaneous telepathy has been known since the ancient time. It was also described in fiction literature (“Olesja” by L. Kuprin, “Die Brüder Lautensack” by Lion Feuchtwanger, “Jean-Christophe” by Romain Rolland and other similar literal works), many of which became the basis for multiple oral interpretations.

Listed among the most famous telepathic communications is the case, which took place on the day September 9th, 1848, with one high-rank military man. Being severely wounded, he thought that was the end of his days, he asked to have a ring removed from his finger and given to his wife, who was 150 miles away from the battlefield. The latter then stated, that she was half-dreaming, when she clearly saw her husband brought away from the battlefield saying “Please, take this ring and give it to my wife”. Both parties later documentarily confirmed the event.

William Thomas Stead, a second-sighted person from the Great Britain, by means of the automated writing, was able to receive telepathic messages from other people he knew. Once, as he was thinking of one his friends, a female, he unwillingly wrote the following words on a paper sheet: “I am very sorry to tell you I have had a very painful experience, of which I am almost ashamed to speak. I left Haslemere at 2:27 p.m. in a second-class carriage, in which there were two ladies and one gentleman. When the train stopped at Godalming the ladies got out, and I was left alone with the man. After the train started he left his seat and came close to me. I was alarmed and repelled him. He refused to go away, and tried to kiss me. I was furious. We had a struggle. I seized his umbrella and struck him, but it broke, and I was beginning to fear that he would master me, when the train began to slow up before arriving at Guilford Station. He got frightened, let go of me, and before the train reached the platform he jumped out and ran away. I was very much upset. But I have the umbrella.”

William Thomas Stead sent his secretary up with a note saying merely he was very sorry to hear what had happened, and added, “Be sure and bring the man’s umbrella on Wednesday.” She wrote in reply, “I am very sorry you know anything about it. I had made up my mind to tell nobody”.

The woman’s decisiveness not to tell anyone about the incident, witnesses in favor the assumption, that not only the telepathic message may be subconscious, but it may be in direct contradiction with the intentions of the mind.

The phenomenon of telepathy exists not only in the human society. Among the most remarkable may be the example of telepathic communication between a human and an animal, which was described by Sir Henry Rider Haggard, in Journal of S.P.R., in October 1904. It was the night of July 7th, 1904, when Missis Haggard, his wife, heard her husband was making strange sounds, as if he had been a wounded beast. After he woke up, Sir Henry Rider Haggard told her about his dream, when he felt some sore feeling of oppression as of asphyxiation. He mentioned also he saw the world through the eyes of his dog.

“I dreamed that a black retriever dog, a most amiable and intelligent beast named Bob, which was the property of my eldest daughter, was lying on its side among brushwood, or rough growth of some sort, by water. My own personality in some mysterious way seemed to me to be arising from the body of the dog, which I knew quite surely to be Bob and no other, so much so that my head was against his head, which was lifted up at an unnatural angle. In my vision, the dog was trying to speak to me in words, and, failing, transmitted to me mind in an undefined fashion the knowledge that it was dying”.

Four days later, the Haggards’ dog was really found dead lying in water with the skull crushed and legs broken. A train hit him and threw him into the water. A collar with blood traces was found on a bridge the next morning after the owner had his weird dream.

In his book “How Animals Talk” William J. Long described multiple cases of telepathic communication among beasts, in particular, in a horde of wolves, where wolf cubs obey silent signals emitted by their mother.

In the middle of the XX century, when popular press was highlighting the theme of “paranormal phenomena”, Zener cards were widely used as a method for testing extrasensory perception.

In Nazi Germany, there was the department of “SS Ahnenerbe”, which specialized not only in occultism, but also it studied telepathy and searching for knowledge via telepathy. There are documented facts that Nazi psychics used their extrasensory perception methodologies to obtain some specific technical information from extraterrestrials, and the information was later used to develop new weapons.

Alice Ann Bailey wrote in her book “Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle”, that there are two laws governing telepathic communication: “The first law is: The power to communicate is to be found in the very nature of substance itself. It lies potentially within the ether, and the significance of telepathy is to be found in the word omnipresence. The second law is: The interplay of many minds produces a unity of thought which is powerful enough to be recognized by the brain”. Here we have a law governing a subjective activity and another law governing objective manifestation”. The understanding of the first law produces results in the mind or mental body. The understanding of the second law produces results in a lesser receiving station, the brain”. The center that the psychics work through is the solar plexus. Therefore, the communication line extends from one solar plexus to another one. Such is the instinctive telepathy, which in any case relates to feeling. It inevitably involves a sort of radiation from a solar plexus, which in the beast world acts as an instinctive brain. The telepathic communication of this type definitely characterizes the brute body of a human, and the best illustration of such telepathic communication is the communication between a mother and her child. The second type of telepathic communications relates to those from one mind to another mind; it is this specific form of communication, which undergoes nowadays the most thorough study possible. This second form may be found only in people of mental type, and with the more emotions, feelings, and strong desires are eliminated, the more preciously it works. A strong enough wish to succeed in telepathic functioning and a fear of failure both are the shortest path to the failure. Just like anywhere else, being unbound to the result and the “never mind” attitude are of real help.

Addressing the subject of telepathy, one has to realize that the ether body of any form of nature is a part of the substantial form of The God Himself, not any dense physical shape, but the one that esotericists consider the formalizing substance. We say “God” to express the Uniform Life that gives life to any object on the external objective plane. Therefore, etheric, or energetic body of each human being is a part of the etheric body of the planet itself, thus, of the Solar system, too. It is through this that any individual is fundamentally associated with any other, small or large, expression of the Devine Life. The etheric body function is to receive energetic pulses and to be activated by those pulses, or the streams of forces from one or another source. The etheric body is nothing else but energy. It consists of the tiniest flows of energy, linked to the emotional and the mental bodies and the soul, coordinated therewith. Those streams of energy, in turn, influence the physical body, activating it in one or another manner, in accordance with nature and the power of the energy of such type that is capable of controlling the etheric body at any time.