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Girl Magic. World-changing Sorceresses

Translator Yuliya Pilyugina

Illustrator Tatyana Pilyugina

© Sergey Pilyugin, 2024

© Yuliya Pilyugina, translation, 2024

© Tatyana Pilyugina, illustrations, 2024

ISBN 978-5-0062-8163-9

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

The four pelvises and the four directions of girls’ development.

Foreword from the author

The fact that anatomically there are only four pelvises for girls has been known for a long time, this knowledge is used by obstetricians during pregnancy and childbirth, this knowledge is available to any medical university, only the people have their own point of view on this topic, when I started research in this direction, faced with many different theories about pears and apples, naturally having nothing but a banal desire for hype. In reality, everything turned out to be simpler, all girls, girls and women have only four directions, four psychotypes and four levels of development. We can distinguish four psychotypes of girls or socionic types, I will immediately clarify, psychotypes are in no way direction-oriented, it is the socialization and social development of the girl.

Everything about girls starts with their psychotypes.

The first female psychotypes is the good girl

She grows up in an ordinary social family, she is brought up by a sex-oriented mother and a father who doesn’t care about his wife who is oriented to sex with anyone and sometimes with him, he naturally doesn’t care about his daughter if he doesn’t sleep with her. Men always need an heir, the birth of a daughter is never happy, it distances a man from the continuation of his family, from the transfer of what he had time to achieve and work, the girl will not help him in this way, especially since as a rule she follows the social path of mom, as more understandable to her. Mom certainly instills in the girl as if good manners, if she herself had a concept of them, she talks about preserving virginity for her husband, at the same time before her husband reached the former in use, so has little idea of what virginity is, does not remember anything, because she lost her virginity to 18 years old, and that’s when the virginity settings and for two years unfold into a full-fledged virginity. At school the girl is good at school, with boys she is forbidden to contact and at this stage the mother manages to control, but already at graduation the girl is allowed all that was forbidden, but she is a good girl, resisted and did not have sex. Now the university, here is where the lid is torn, everyone is allowed to love, but not her? She falls in love with a fellow student, the wedding in the second year of university, pregnancy, study byoku, she behaves well, not like mom, as mom does not want, so she is faithful to her husband, but after graduation they divorce her husband, it turned out for three years, they do not match characters. Then she tries to raise her daughter alone, why her daughter? She was a virgin to her husband, yes, a virgin, but she was 18, he was 18, and the social math says fine, but the energetic math says differently, she is still 18 physical and 18 energetic, she is fully ready for family life. He is 18 physical, the average energy lag between a boy and a girl, time tested, is 20 years, that is a boy minus 2 years energetic, other than instincts he has nothing working, all brain activity is geared towards satisfying instincts, plus spermatoxicosis of the organism, if an eighteen-year-old girl chooses him to have sex, he on bare instincts will rush into this business on a hurrah, it is a pity that the father on bare instincts not to become, bitter for the girl that the husband on bare instincts he will not be. Then our good girl, in the thirst for love and family, becomes on the search for a man for himself and a daddy for his daughter, a search long into her life. Conclusion: the right upbringing will be complete and correct, when or if, the girl will be explained that her boy in her 18 years, should be 40 years old, it is at this age a mature and intelligent enough man is ready to create a family.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the first female psychotype?

Let’s start with the virtues. She is focused on starting a family, which is good and right. She is educated and not mercantile.

Now the disadvantages. Social upbringing, mother’s attitudes, mother’s control, father’s pofigism, inability to choose a husband correctly, ignorance of the male psyche due to father’s non-interference.

The second female psychotype is the maximalist

Normal social family, if there is a father, it is nominal, as a rule there is no father. Mom is more focused on herself and her personal life than on her daughter. She is so bad in her studies, for her the first place is success in society, preferably quick success, how to achieve it? Naturally through men, or rather through sex with them. All forces are thrown to achieve their goals, children past, only from the right, and again it will be a girl. But this girl, very clearly set the boundaries, having found her need her man, clings to him like a tick, does not see other babas, always beautiful, never interferes in the affairs of her husband, extremely distanced from interference in his personal life, for her the main thing, he is with her.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the second female psychotype?

Strengths: she only looks after herself and never her husband. She is acceptable to go out with her, she can be an interesting conversationalist for her husband and those who are interesting to her husband, she is able and knows how to please others to the extent necessary for her husband, and naturally to her, to maintain her status as a wife. She helps her husband if he needs it, but she will not go to him with these ideas herself.

The downside: as long as she needs him, she’s everything to him. And there’s no guarantee that a prince won’t appear on the horizon for whom she’ll turn herself inside out.

The third female psychotype is the actress

This psychotype is included from the age of seven, and forever, it is a genetic acquisition, its presence in the genome suggests that at least three generations on the female line were social actresses, playing everything from a smile to orgasm. The psychotype is not tied to career, there is little opportunity for acting, they need attention, preferably male. Ensuring life is always at the expense of men, life for the man. As a rule, married rarely, live in a relationship, but live a long time, if a man does not discover that he is not one. As a rule, children are made under a particular man, is able to play the ideal wife and mistress, such is not being.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the third female psychotype?

Advantages. This woman is convenient for a man, as long as she plays with fire, when the play she gets bored, it is necessary to part.

Disadvantages. Who does not like the game, will start annoying, you do not like theater, do not take an actress as a wife. The game everywhere, always and in everything is annoying, this is the main disadvantage.

The fourth female psychotype is the hostess

Girl friend and girl dream, but sex will ruin everything, with such girls you have to make love, they are not mercantile. Their moms are just like everyone else. Her dream, a man is a friend and helper. Children give birth not only girls, as a rule it is they give birth to heirs, the ability to make friends, a great strength. Unique to the family, society destroys, deprives normal life, such girls do not want to be like everyone else, and quietly have sex, like going to the toilet, it is not for them, weak social adaptability easily turns such into willless dolls.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the fourth female psychotype?

Dignities. This girl is a must for any right man, get married as early as possible, only way to save from society. Perfect wife, perfect friend, until she has sex. If instead of sex there is love, it will be a real miracle. It is every man’s dream, innermost desire and fairy tale.

Disadvantages. Becoming social is no different from the first three psychotypes.

Types of “Love.”

Love has the following unchangeable constants:

– girls have four pelvises and four directions of development.

– men have four pelvises and four directions of development.

– How to live and what direction to love, gorilla love, dog love, true love or love has always been and will always be determined by a girl, then a woman and at the end a woman, a girl always has a chance for one mistake and is able to change her destiny to live Divine Love and not to become a woman.

– any man is inferior to a girl in the perception of Love in gorilla love, dog love, true love and love, but any girl is inferior to a man who has given the Seal of Oath to Wives to at least one girl, in which case the Love of a man becomes Divine Love.

– any girl marrying her husband in any of the four ways – guest marriage (just living together), legal marriage (wedding), civil marriage (through registries, administrations, courts or registrars) and divine Seal (eternal word for eternal life) should understand, that the One accepts all four ways of marriage as True Love, the bearers of such Love are not heard or seen by the One, only those who have given the Seal of Oath to Husbands and those who have received in return the Seal of Oath to Wives are seen and heard by the One. Those who have given the Seal are under His Control and His Help, the refusal of the Seal of the Oath to Husband and the Seal of the Oath to Wives is not foreseen, in the worldview of the One there is no word divorce, there is the word Betrayal, the One punishes betrayal with the atomization of the eternal Soul.

The One has provided one exception for those who have the Seal of the Oath to Wives and the Seal of the Oath to Husband, adultery, it is a variant when a girl under the Seal of the Oath to Husband and a man under the Seal of the Oath to Wives, having made a mistake in the choice of husband or wife, can change the partner to the one who bears his Seal, who bears his Seal, thus changing his Destiny and directing it to the right Path, i.e. change a simple man to the one to whom he has given the Seal of the Oath to Husband and a man can change a simple girl to the one who bears his Seal of the Oath to Wives. If, however, it appears to her or him that the change is not successful, and she or he continues to change partners, in that case she or he becomes a Traitor. The One denies such a one the right to their Path, extinguishes the Seal of the Oath to Husband or the Seal of the Oath to Wives, he or she, or they, become forever promiscuous, and at any birth they are destined only to gorilla-like love, forever.

Gorilla love

Gorilla-like love is inherent in subhumans, where instead of girls there are self-sufficient and able to live independently, where instead of a man there is one species

– a male, he is called a man. This love is characterized by copying of gorillas, man’s supremacy, his freedom of choice in sex, and baba gives birth and nurtures, raises cubs. The man gets angry and beats the baba, the baba takes revenge for the beating and fear by having sex with another male, or goes into a fictional world, usually fantasy. In these relationships there is no love, no feelings and sensuality, there is a thirst to tear and pierce, on the part of the male, and the thirst to be a bedding of the male in the female, as it is a guarantee of protection and food, without it is terrible, there is a sense of hopelessness. Specialists like to repeat that in the relationship between females and males, the main role is played by the psychological aspect.

Psychologists always believe that certain characteristics, personality traits, the past are of great importance when it comes to love relationships, in fact it is only a stereotype, science says that the body is to blame for what happens in relationships.

Psychology depends specifically on biological processes. This suggests that internal processes influence what non-humans think about, what decisions they come to. If the production of hormones is disturbed, oxytocin is not enough, the behavior of the non-human will be a little strange: he will be cold towards the once “beloved”

person, will not want to show “feelings” unnecessarily, will avoid bodily contact, will refuse to hug. From the outside, there will be a feeling that the non-human is not interested in the development of “relations”, that is, he is not interested in sex.

In the end there is a breakup. Life on hormones is gorilla-like “love”, non-humans depend on the production or not of hormones, in non-humans this is the most important thing in their lives. To produce the hormone oxytocin to improve their life together, they have invented many rituals, such as: giving flowers to the female they like, pleasing the female with gold trinkets, giving jewelry before intercourse or for intercourse, and for intercourse. Males give for sexual intercourse fur coats, candies, chocolates, trips to resorts and trips to restaurants to continue sexual intercourse. These ritualistic steps cause the female to release oxytocin, which allows her to want this male, which means she will be able to turn on his penis and they will have intercourse as the final act of the oxytocin surge. As long as the female gets the opportunity to produce oxytocin, the male always has his penis working, as soon as the signs of attention are not enough, the sex drive drops due to the decrease in oxytocin. Then the male changes the female and the circle starts again, that’s how gorilla-like “love” comes and goes, which of course is not love at all, it has its own meaning according to the One – lust. Lust – gross sensual sexual desire, voluptuousness in mastering a partner.

Gorilla “love” is the petting of the female’s imagination and masturbation of the female’s vagina by the male.

Dog “love.”

In human society, love is assumed to be something that comes and goes, and very often people project a fictional ideal love by modeling it on swans or dogs. Swans are a real fiction, swans have never produced oxytocin, whereas dogs can produce it. Oxytocin is commonly called the hormone of love, in real scientific research has received a real purpose and is known as the “hormone of tenderness”, “hormone of happiness”. Such definitions he received not by chance: thanks to him there is a feeling of attachment between mother and baby, strengthens the relationship between man and woman, it can be called a hormone of attachment, as this is its most accurate physical property, but love is not hormones, it is the energy of physics, internal and external energy, intertwined energy channels that allow you to open the world, to feel the energy of the universe. Oxytocin has the effect of increasing trust and maintaining it even in the case of betrayal. It can also selectively affect memory: human reactions to social stimuli can change due to the action of oxytocin or recorded in long-term memory, affecting further perception of information. Their joint action with dopamine affects the evaluation of positive emotional interactions sometimes quite bizarrely, direct violence leads to the emergence of attachment to the abuser and happiness from his attention to the victim of violence, Stockholm Syndrome. Oxytocin is of great importance in humans in the regulation of nutritional and sexual behavior, immune functions of the CNS, but its action has a reverse effect, it, in addition to establishing “warm” relations between people, partners, family members, etc., can also generate distrust and later hostility between representatives of different groups or individuals. Going back to the beginning, it is undeniable that dogs have feelings, they can experience pain, fear, sadness as well as affection. However, the question of whether dogs can actually feel love, there is an unequivocal answer, no, this is the privilege of the Soul, which dogs do not have, they are left with attachment, as well as humans, who have no Soul by definition of the One, living only by Instinct, which is controlled by the Chipset, through which there is a connection with Society, but not the World. Oxytocin in humans reduces stress and aggression and strengthens trust and attachment, attachment is all they have. Attachment, experienced by all Chipset owners, is very similar to “love”, i.e. habitual motivations and actions, monotonous repetition of certain behaviors and actions, this is the norm for canine “love”, which is in fact ordinary attachment, pretending to be a relationship due to sex between partners.